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Clash of Clans: Best Base Layouts for Town Hall Level 9 (2024)

When looking at the top 15 base layouts for Clash of Clans Town Hall level 9, there is one important thing to keep in mind: different styles of layouts will serve different purposes. Those main styles are farming, war, and defense. First, we’ll look at what these different styles are, then we’ll dive into the list!

Layout Styles Key

Our layouts below have all been tagged with a specific layout style.

  • 🚜 Farming: A layout style in which the focus is on preventing your opponent from looting as much of your resources as possible.
  • 🛡️ Defense: A style for when you want your Home Village’s main defensive goal to be to prevent your opponent from getting 3 stars as often as possible. Can also be useful in situations like Clan Wars.
  • ⚔️ War: Layouts are generally geared towards competitive battling where victory is based on which side ultimately earns the most stars.

Best Base Layouts for TH9, Ranked in No Particular Order

The best base layout for you will depend on what you are trying to achieve. Luckily, we have 15 options that you can’t go wrong with below. Feel free to click or tap each layout to make it bigger.

Layout 1

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: 🚜 Farming

One of the key characteristics of bases styled towards a farming play style is that resource stores, especially the dark elixir storage, are kept tucked behind walls and rows of defenses. The main goal for a farming-style base is to attempt to minimize the resources your opponent steals.

In this layout, resource stores are evenly distributed behind walls and other defensive structures. The symmetry of the shape allows for less vulnerable spots for opponents to exploit as structures and defenses are evenly exploited.

Layout 2

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: 🚜 Farming

In this farming-styled layout, resource stores are evenly distributed throughout the base in order to best ensure your chances of retaining the most resources. Keeping them spaced out makes it more difficult for your opponent to raid all of your resources in the limited time they have.

Each resource storage structure is defended by at least two defensive structures like a canon or archer tower. The dark elixir storage is generally kept in a much more guarded position, like seen here, as dark elixir has much more limited storage and slower production, so any loss of dark elixir will set you back in terms of collecting it.

Layout 3

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: 🛡️ Defense

In terms of similarity to the previous farming layouts, this defensive-styled layout has symmetry in design, an extra defended dark elixir storage, and even deliberate placement of resource storage structures.

However, resource storage structures are less defended in this layout. There are more resources clumped together meaning the likelihood of losing more resources rises. Although, because this is more styled towards a defensive play style, putting resources in a vulnerable position is for good reason.

While enemy troops attack defensive stores that are in close proximity to clumps of defensive structures, it allows your defenses to unleash an attack on the enemy’s preoccupied army.

Layout 4

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: 🚜 Farming

Like the previous farm-style layouts, resources are strategically placed around the base, near defenses, and behind walls in order to try and preserve as many resources as possible. Another key focus of this layout is that the only other main structure heavily protected is the Town Hall. Although it’s common for the Town Hall to be at the center for the best chance and thwarting your opponent from gaining 3 stars.

However, the entire layout is heavily focused on making sure that there is no point in the defenses that would allow for a quicker or more efficient route to the Town Hall. The square shape means that no matter where your opponent deploys their troops, they will all be the same distance away from your Town Hall, only making it harder for them to reach it in the limited time.

Layout 5

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: 🚜 Farming

This farm style shows how you can adapt the look while maintaining the core focus of the farm-type layout. All resource storage structures are behind walls and have at least 2 defensive structures to either side of them, and in the case, the resource store doesn’t have a defensive structure next to it, it is behind at least 2 layers of walls.

Layout 6

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: 🚜 Farming

This style closely resembles Layout 4 in an important way. This is the square shape with the focus being creating as much distance between troops and your Town Hall as possible. Two major differences would be the fact that there is a consideration for the protection of the dark elixir storage. This structure is placed dead center next to the Town Hall in the most heavily protected part of this layout. The second difference is the additional space.

The additional space serves as an additional defensive use for the layout. If troops are placed to the east, west, or south of the base and move towards the spaces without walls, whatever direction they choose to move next, left or right, they will be pinned down. The defenses in the smaller rectangles and placed around in the empty space would create a situation in which enemy troops are trapped in a narrow funnel with defenses on all sides.

Layout 7

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: ⚔️ War

The war-style layout is intended to be used for things like clan wars where you need to set a layout and victory is depending on earning the most starts. From the left or right of the base, you have a single block that is heavily defended. This is to compensate for the lack of wall layers the top and bottom have. The layers of walls will slow down enemy troops giving your defensive structures crucial time to bombard them. The blocks to the left and right of the base also contain the Archer Queen and Barbarian King, this placement is crucial to avoid turning these defensive blocks into vulnerable weak points.

Layout 8

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: ⚔️ War

In this war layout, we see the use of smaller sections of walled-off structures put together to create the whole base, instead of larger sections dedicated to a larger number of resources. This is all for the purpose of trying to get your opponent to waste as much time as possible destroying walls and non-defensive structures in order to attempt and prevent them from earning three stars.

Layout 9

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: ⚔️ War

Like in previous layouts, the symmetry of the base allows you to keep enemies at a maximum distance from your Town Hall while the square shape minimizes weak spots. Dark Elixir storage, Heroes, and the Town Hall are all neatly secured within the center of the layout, fortified evenly on all sides. Like the previous two layouts, the goal of war-style layouts is to minimize the number of stars your enemy can earn from you, layouts like this will help you avoid allowing your opponents to easily take stars.

Layout 10

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: 🚜 Farming

In this layout, we see a more traditional resource storage structure layouts that allow for better resource retention when you get attacked. Although placement may slightly vary from layout to layout, the resource stores are placed at a relatively even distance from each other protected by defenses, traps, and layers of walls.

Layout 11

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: 🛡️ Defense

When looking at a defensive style layout for Town Hall 9, one shape is clearly going to be favored over other styles – the square. As we’ve discussed before, the square shape keeps all attacking troops at an equal distance, making it hard for your opponent to find and exploit a vulnerable point in your base. This is key for situations where a defensive style layout is useful like clan wars, and even if it’s just your playstyle, and want your Home Village to be more defensive.

Layout 12

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: 🚜 Farming

One of the things that stands out about this farm-styled layout is the fact that the most protected building is the Dark Elixir Storage. This structure has its own extra layer of walls, generally reserved for the Town Hall in more defensive-styled layouts, however, protections of the Dark Elixir and other resource storage structures are of most importance in this layout.

Even though the Dark Elixir storage has the most protected position, that’s not to say that the Town Hall isn’t protected. The Town Hall in any style of layout is significant, the loss of the Town Hall almost always means loss of resources and stars will be close to maximum. So even though in farm-style layouts resource stores are important, other structures can’t just be thrown to the wayside.

Layout 13

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: 🛡️ Defense

In direct contrast to the previous layout, resource storage structures, even including the Dark Elixir storage, are in extremely vulnerable positions. This is for the sole reason of putting more structures in the way of an attacking army to prevent them from earning 3 stars against you.

Multiple layers of walls and resource storage structures in vulnerable positions to act as obstacles for enemy troops set this layout up to defend your Town Hall in every possible way.

Layout 14

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: ⚔️ War

Following the themes of previous war-styled layouts, resource stores are placed in more vulnerable positions, even the Dark Elixir storage, there are several layers of walls that the Town Hall sits behind, as well as a heavily defended walled-off section dedicated just to the Town Hall to minimize the chance of your opponent obtaining all 3 stars.

Layout 15

Image: Clashofclans-tools.com via HGG / Tommy deFonteny

Style: 🚜 Farming

For our final layout in our best base layouts for town hall level 9 in Clash of Clans, we have a farm similar to the previous farm layouts. It’s also a layout that follows one of the style’s key strategies, evenly spacing out resource storage structures and placing them around a number of defensive structures like cannons or archer towers, and this will ultimately slow down your opponent’s army while they attempt to loot your resources.

Join the High Ground

Now that you have 15 of the best base layouts for Town Hall level 9 in Clash of Clans at your disposal, it’s time to figure out which fits your play style best then design the most powerful home village you can. Happy Gaming!


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