While Fallout 4 took quite the departure from previous Fallout games in terms of gameplay and RPG-mechanics, one thing that has not changed is its huge variety of customization and its modding capabilities. Even in 2022 — seven years after its original release — Fallout 4 maintains one of the most vibrant and active modding communities out of any game on the market.
Today we’ll be going over some of the best Fallout 4 mods for PS4. Be sure you’ve got your 10mm ready: it’s time to jump into the wasteland!
15 Best Fallout 4 Mods, Ranked Worst to Best
We’ve put these must-have PS4 mods for Fallout 4 in order from our least to most favorite. Did your favorite mod make the list?
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
Creator: Arthmoor | Initial Launch: September 22nd, 2018 | Mod Type: Optimization | Download Size: 7.3 MiB | Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch Link
Anyone who has ever played a Bethesda game will know they don’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to bug fixing and optimization. This is where the mod “Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch” comes in to save the day.
- What does it change? Fixes well over a hundred gameplay, NPC, and text related bugs.
- Why do you need it? It’s a Bethesda game.
- What playstyle does it work well with? Any and every playstyle.
Diamond City Radio Jukebox
Creator: UDEADyet101 | Initial Launch: February 6th, 2017 | Mod Type: Radio | Download Size: 37.3 KiB | Diamond City Radio Jukebox Link
The radios in Bethesda Fallout games have always been great fun to listen to. However, every Fallout game has had that one song you can’t help but groan in annoyance at. This mod fixes that problem.
- What does it change? Adds collectable holotapes to play songs featured on Diamond City Radio.
- Why do you need it? Allows players to pick and choose their favorite music, without having to listen to Travis “Lonely” Miles or any songs they don’t like.
- What playstyle does it work well with? Any and every playstyle.
Companion Infinite Ammo
Creator: Olofstrom | Initial Launch: October 7th, 2017 | Mod Type: Quality of Life | Download Size: 23.1 KiB | Companion Infinite Ammo Link
The companions of Fallout 4 are great help in a firefight, and it’s hard to justify a playthrough without them. The only problem is that it can be too easy for them to run low on ammo, forcing you into retreat. This can be a good mechanic for survival mode playthroughs, but if you just want to experience the game for its shooting and exploration, it can be a real pain.
- What does it change? Allows your companions to fire their weapons without the need of ammo.
- Why do you need it? Removes the annoying aspect of having to give your companions more ammo every time they run out.
- What playstyle does it work well with? Non-survival mode playthroughs and companion-focused builds.
Quick Hack And Pick
Creator: Cobal | Initial Launch: November 8th, 2016 | Mod Type: Quality of Life | Download Size: 507.0 B | Quick Hack and Pick Link
You know what I hate the most about open-world RPGs? It’s not the lack of content, repetitive quest design, or soulless open worlds. It’s those damn hacking mini-games. Mod author Cobal thought the same thing, which is why he made the mod “Quick Hack And Pick.”
- What does it change? Changes the way hacking and pick-locking mini-games work. You can turn the bobby pin from anywhere on the lock now. Hacking will only ever have one word to select.
- Why do you need it? The hacking mini-game in Fallout 4 is unintuitive, and this serves as a great fix for it.
- What playstyle does it work well with? Non-stealth builds and players not interested in hacking or lockpicking.
Choose Your Own Perks
Creator: Mttprc11 | Initial Launch: November 19th, 2016 | Mod Type: Cheat | Download Size: 115.5 KiB | Choose Your Own Perks Link
While Fallout 4 is best enjoyed through multiple playthroughs, not everyone has the time or the patience to try out every build. Thankfully, the mod “Choose Your Own Perks” spawns in a locker containing magazines for every perk in the game just outside Vault 111. This allows you to test them all out before using them in your playthrough. Alternatively, you could just equip every perk and become a god. Your game, your rules!
- What does it change? Adds every perk in the game in one easy-access location.
- Why do you need it? To test out perks you are not sure about.
- What playstyle does it work well with? Second and third playthroughs.
Better Graphics And Weather
Creator: TeMkA169 | Initial Launch: October 21st, 2017| Mod Type: Visual | Download Size: 54.2 KiB | Better Graphics and Weather Link
Fallout 4 is a great game, and its gunplay and open-world are still enjoyable to this day. However, one thing that has not aged very well in its six year existence is the graphics. They are acceptable, sure, but they could be better. Enter one of the best graphic mods for Fallout 4 on PS4: “Better Graphics And Weather.” This mod seeks to address the problem in a few ways.
- What does it change? Overhauls the lighting and weather effects in the game.
- Why do you need it? Creates a more visually appealing atmosphere while exploring the Commonwealth.
- What playstyle does it work well with? Any and every playstyle.
All Settlements Extended
Creator: Neeher | Initial Launch: July 6th, 2017 | Mod Type: Settlement | Download Size: 1.1 MiB | All Settlements Extended Link
Anyone who has ever tinkered with the settlement system in Fallout 4 will know that the spaces Bethesda gave us are a little… restrictive. “All Settlements Extended” by mod author Neeher dramatically increases the buildable area of every settlement in the game, giving you more room to create the post-apocalyptic town of your dreams!
- What does it change? Increases the building space for all twenty-nine settlements in the Commonwealth.
- Why do you need it? Allows you to build more impressive settlements and player bases.
- What playstyle does it work well with? Builds focused on settlement construction and/or Minutemen playthroughs.
NoRespawns — Repaired Croup Manor
Creator: NoRespawns | Initial Launch: September 16th, 2021 | Mod Type: Settlement | Download Size: 271.5 KiB | NoRespawns- Repaired Croup Manor Link
It’s settlements like Croup Manor that make me wonder why Bethesda didn’t let us build anywhere. Croup Manor in the vanilla game is broken down and in disarray. It’s a wonder how it is still standing 210 years after the bombs dropped! Luckily, mod author NoRespawns has rebuilt its interior, allowing wastelanders to make a proper home here. It’s easily one of the best mods for Fallout 4 on the PS4.
- What does it change? Removes all of the rubble and rebuilds the interior of the mansion.
- Why do you need it? The manor in the vanilla game is difficult to build in, and this mod fixes that problem.
- What playstyle does it work well with? Builds focused on settlement construction and those looking to roleplay as a wealthy wastelander.
RR Goodneighbor Safehouse
Creator: Grooves_Games | Initial Launch: September 6th, 2017 | Mod Type: Player Housing | Download Size: 1009.8 KiB | RR Goodneighbor Safehouse Link
Although Goodneighbor is a cool place to visit, after you’ve done the main story quests and collected Hancock and MacCready as your companions, there is not much reason to return. If only there was some sort of player home here, like the one in Diamond City….
- What does it change? Adds a lore-friendly player home in Goodneighbor
- Why do you need it? Adds more depth to an otherwise empty town.
- What playstyle does it work well with? Non-settlement focused builds and those looking to roleplay as an outcast of the Commonwealth.
STS — Scrap That Settlement!
Creator: 3lric | Initial Launch: November 17th, 2016 | Mod Type: Settlement/Quality of Life | Download Size: 2.0 MiB | STS- Scrap That Settlement! Link
If you like building settlements as much as I do, then you will know just how frustrating it can be to walk around a town you spent hours building, only to see piles of rubble everywhere that you can’t scrap. STS is one of the best building mods for Fallout 4 on PS4.
- What does it change? Allows players to remove previously un-scrappable objects (rubble, skeletons, mole-rat tunnels, etc).
- Why do you need it? To clean up dirty settlements and stop your settlers from tripping over corpses.
- What playstyle does it work well with? Settlement-focused builds.
Creator: Henkspamadres | Initial Launch: January 13th, 2017 | Mod Type: Visual | Download Size: 29.3 KiB | See-Through-Scopes Link
I usually play as a sniper in shooter games, and most of them suffer from the same visual problem: zooming in with a scope will cause most of your screen to darken, leaving your scope as the only way to see in front of you. Not only is this not very realistic, it just doesn’t look that good.
- What does it change? Fixes the visuals when zoomed in with scopes, allowing you to see the area around it.
- Why do you need it? Helps with spotting enemies when aiming down the sights.
- What playstyle does it work well with? Snipers and other precision weapon-based builds.
Creator: Ethreon | Initial Launch: November 20th, 2016 | Mod Type: Settlement | Download Size: 568.5 KiB | OCDecorator Link
If you’ve ever tried placing down items in your settlements, you will understand how annoying it can be to have them knocked over by your settlers and companions. Anyone who loves decorating their settlements down to the nitty-gritty details will be glad to know there is a mod that fixes the issue.
- What does it change? Adds hundreds of non-movable variants of preexisting items that you can place down anywhere in your settlements.
- Why do you need it? To decorate your player-bases without having your items knocked over by NPCs.
- What playstyle does it work well with? Any and every playstyle.
Buffed Minutemen Militia 2
Creator: Dragonovith | Initial Launch: November 16th, 2016 | Mod Type: Faction | Download Size: 178.5 KiB | Buffed Minutemen Militia 2 Link
The Minutemen, while altruistic and noble, are one of the weakest factions in Fallout 4. When you first meet them, they are on life support and in drastic need of an overhaul if they are going to protect the Commonwealth. This mod creates special classes of Minutemen, each with their own respective weapons and armor that are better then their vanilla counterparts. Minutemen will still spawn in your settlements and in patrols around the Commonwealth, but now they will have the tools needed to keep settlers safe!
- What does it change? Changes the weapons and armor Minutemen patrols spawn with, giving them some much needed firepower.
- Why do you need it? To protect the people at a minute’s notice!
- What playstyle does it work well with? Minutemen playthroughs.
Settlement Supplies Expanded
Creator: Ethreon | Initial Launch: November 20th, 2016 | Mod Type: Settlement | Download Size: 222.6 KiB | Settlement Supplies Expanded Link
One of the first mods ever added to Fallout 4, the mod “Settlement Supplies Expanded” adds tons of new decorations for your settlements and bases. The best part about this mod is that everything added is completely lore-friendly, and doesn’t drastically change the game at all.
- What does it change? Adds loads of new decorations and building items that you can place in your settlements.
- Why do you need it? Allows more customization for your bases.
- What playstyle does it work well with? Settlement-focused builds.
SimpleGreen — Simple Seasons ‘Spring’
Creator: ANDREWCX | Initial Launch: November 7th, 2016 | Mod Type: Visual | Download Size: 734.0 KiB | SimpleGreen- Simple Seasons ‘Spring’ Link
Fallout 4 may be set in a post-apocalypse, that doesn’t mean it can’t be green. It has been 210 years since the bombs fell, so it stands to reason that trees would have come back by now. This mod fixes a strange quirk about the lore by adding in green flora around the map.
- What does it change? Adds trees, green grass, and pre-war bushes around the Commonwealth.
- Why do you need it? Makes the world look more visually appealing and less depressing.
- What playstyle does it work well with? Non-survival playthroughs.
Join the High Ground
Not everyone will agree with our choice of the best Fallout 4 mods for PS4, but that is the beauty of modding. Players are free to customize their game to their liking, and if you don’t think any of these mods are right for you, there are hundreds of other mods to choose from. We hope you enjoyed reading our list, and would love to hear about your favorite mods in the comments below. For more Fallout 4 content, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for more!
Happy gaming!
Fallout Series Navigation
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This is a great list! I’m looking forward to trying out some of these mods.