One of the new mechanics introduced in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is upgrades, which function similarly to standard RPG skill trees. You use studs and Kyber Bricks you find throughout the galaxy and use them to improve and unlock abilities, including some class-specific ones. There are all sorts of abilities to unlock, from quality of life improvements to new skills that effectively give you the high ground in any situation.
However, getting all of the resources to gain all of these upgrades takes a lot of time and effort. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best upgrades in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga so you can be sure that you’re getting the best abilities to aid you in your galactic adventure.
Let’s get started!
Kyber Bricks and Where to Find Them
If you want upgrades, you’re going to need some Kyber Bricks. Unfortunately, they’re scattered all across the galaxy. You’ll also need a lot to purchase and max out some of these upgrades. With the whole galaxy to explore in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, where should you look?
Story Levels
The first way to earn Kyber Bricks is to just play through the story levels. As you complete certain tasks and work towards becoming a True Jedi, you’ll be awarded Kyber Bricks at the end of each level. Earning enough studs to become a True Jedi gets you three Kyber Bricks, and three tasks can get you a Kyber Brick each. You can earn over 300 Kyber Bricks with this method, and while that’s pretty far away from getting everything, you’ll be able to earn enough to help you get started.
Galaxy Free Play
The vast majority of your Kyber Bricks will come from the Galaxy Free Play mode. Kyber Bricks are found all throughout the galaxy and can be encountered just about anywhere. If you need a little help finding them, talk to some of the locals. You’ll get some useful hints from them. You can also use the map to help you find and navigate to them. After that, all you need to do is find a way to get there. For some, you can pick them up as soon as you find them. For others, you’ll need to complete challenges before you can get them. There are nearly 1200 Kyber Bricks, so you better get started if you want to find them all.
Best Core Upgrades in LEGO Star Wars
Now that you have Kyber Bricks and studs, which upgrades should you spend them on? You should start with the core upgrades. These upgrades largely affect the mechanics of the game. Since the core upgrades operate like a skill tree, you need to unlock certain upgrades before you have access to others. As such, you should prioritize getting the core upgrades so you’ll be able to get the best upgrades in LEGO Star Wars sooner rather than later.
Speedy Sprint
One of the first upgrades you should get it the Speedy Sprint upgrade, which is conveniently the first core upgrade in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. You’ll get the first upgrade through the tutorial, but you’ll want to max out this upgrade as soon as you can because the extra speed really helps with mobility. It also helps you get things done faster. If you want to get things done sooner rather than later, consider picking up this speed boost.
Collectible Detector
There’s a lot of things to collect in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. Ships, Minikits, and Kyber Bricks are scattered all throughout the galaxy, and sometimes, you need a little help finding them. That’s where the Collectible Detector upgrade comes in. With this upgrade, you’ll see where various collectibles are hidden via a circular blue on-screen marker. This is especially helpful with finding Minikits, especially ones that are hard to spot.
However, once you get this upgrade, hold off on maxing it out until you’ve found all the ships. Upgrading it further will let you see the locations of Kyber Bricks in addition to ships and Minikits. However, there are hundreds of Kyber Bricks in free play, so the second and third tiers of this upgrade will only clutter thing up and make ships harder to spot (since the marker doesn’t distinguish between collectibles). The map will be enough to help you find Kyber Bricks and Datacards until after you’ve found most of the ships. Once you reach this point, the maxed out upgrade can help you find those hard-to-spot Kyber Bricks that you missed.
Attract Studs
One of the best upgrades in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is the Attract Studs upgrade, which turns you into a stud magnet. This upgrade is especially helpful with stud farming, as it will make sure that you leave no stud behind. And, when you die, the ability will immediately return your lost studs to you (unless you die by falling), which is pretty nice. You should definitely max out this upgrade as soon as possible.
Best Class Upgrades in LEGO Star Wars
And then there are class upgrades, which operate slightly differently. For the most part, they only affect their respective classes, and you can unlock and upgrade these abilities in any order you want. These upgrades can give you all sorts of advantages, from combat to earning studs to completing challenges. You should definitely try to upgrade each ability at least once. However, with so many abilities to choose from, which should you upgrade first?
Upgrades for Earning Extra Studs
Several classes have abilities that can earn you a couple extra studs as you complete certain tasks. These are all things you have to do anyway, so you might as well get paid to do it! The classes that have these types of abilities include Heroes, Bounty Hunters, Villains, Astromechs, and Protocol Droids. Hero Terminal Expert, Astromech Socket Expert, and Villain Terminal Expert each earn you up to 7500 studs at their respective terminals. Paid Translator, on the other hand, earns you up to 2500 per translation, and Hidden Bounties earns you up to 750 studs per defeated enemy.
Scavenger Upgrade: Advanced Gliding
Another upgrade that comes in handy is Advanced Gliding, which increases the speed of Scavengers when they use their gliders. Gliders already offer a ton of mobility and can give you access to all sorts of areas. Advanced gliding just takes that to the next level, and the added mobility and speed certainly comes in handy when you’re trying to get those out-of-reach Kyber Bricks.
Scoundrel Upgrade: Business Opportunist
As you hunt for characters and ships, chances are that you’ll buy a bunch of rumors and hints to help you find them. The Soundrel’s Business Opportunist ability really helps out here, as it can give you up to 50% off on rumors and hints, saving you hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of studs. The characters and ships are already expensive to begin with, so it’s nice that you can save a little money as you try to find them.
Bounty Hunter Upgrade: Enemy Detector
Some of the missions in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will require you to escort someone to a particular location. Most of the Gonk Droid missions are like this, and you’ll need to escort a Wampa to unlock the playable character. And it can be really annoying when there’s an enemy behind a wall that you can’t see that’s preventing the person you’re escorting from moving further. That’s where Enemy Detector comes in. It lets you see the enemies around you, even if they’re behind something.
Now that’s a pretty niche scenario, but Enemy Detector is certainly helpful in watching your own back. It’s also useful when paired with the Hidden Bounties ability, as it lets you know who will drop studs.
Bounty Hunter Upgrade: Scattershot
Another helpful Bounty Hunter upgrade is Scattershot, which causes your blaster fire to cover a wider area. It makes the blaster a much more useful and less civilized weapon. It’s particularly helpful in several of the shooting challenges and missions, as you can easily shoot multiple targets and enemies at once!
Dark Side Upgrade: Dark Rise
The dark side of the Force is a path to many abilities some would consider unnatural, and you might as well make the most of it! The Dark Rise upgrade is particularly helpful in taking your dark side abilities to the next level, as it lets you use your Force powers on non-droids. This ability also combines with Force Crush to let you use it on non-droids and droids alike.
If you upgrade this ability further, you can also throw droids and non-droid enemies. This is certainly handy in combat. It can also be used to access some hard-to-reach areas, as you can just throw your droid up there.
Protocol Droid Upgrade: Polished Plating
Finally there’s Polished Plating, which deflects enemy blaster fire. It starts out as a 50-50 chance, but if you max it out, you can make it so protocol droids deflect all enemy blaster fire. So if you find yourself surrounded, just switch over to a Protocol Droid and it will all be taken care of.
Join the High Ground
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