LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga brought a lot to the table. It introduced new characters, designs, levels, ships, and mechanics, with plenty of humor and adventure along the way. Everyone has their favorites — with over 380 playable characters, chances are that yours are among them!
After hours of playing, unlocking, and testing characters, we came up with this list of the best characters in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga that will make a fine addition to your collection.
Let’s get started!
20 Best Character in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Here’s our pick for the top 20 playable characters in this latest LEGO Star Wars release. This is where the fun begins.
1. General Grievous
General Grievous is easily one of the best characters in LEGO Star Wars, largely due to his versatility. His four lightsabers give him an edge in combat, and he also has access to grenades and an arsenal of weaponry. And even though the blaster that Grievous uses for long range combat may be less civilized than the weapons of the Jedi, it offers far more precision and speed than throwing a lightsaber.
His Villain class also gives him a number of abilities, such as being able to open weapon crates and operate villain terminals. With some upgrades, he can obtain a defense droid, in addition to more powerful grenades and extra ammo. With all of this, General Grievous is a must have addition to your team.
2. Moff Gideon
Moff Gideon is the primary antagonist in The Mandalorian and the leader of a remnant of the Galactic Empire. His primary weapon is the Darksaber, an ancient Mandalorian lightsaber with a black blade. Like General Grievous, he utilizes a variety of weaponry, and uses a blaster and grenades in addition to the Darksaber.
His lightsaber attack speed falls slightly short of Grievous, as he only uses one saber compared to General Grievous’s four. However, he still has the same versatility and strength, so Moff Gideon is definitely worth using.
Moff Gideon is part of the LEGO Star Wars: Mandalorian Season 1 Pack, so if you didn’t get the deluxe version of the game, you’ll need to buy the DLC for $2.99 if you want to play the character.
3. The Emperor
Similar Characters: Palpatine, Count Dooku
If unlimited power is what you desire, Emperor Palpatine might be the character you’re looking for. A Dark Sider and a Sith Lord, the Emperor has plenty of abilities that some would consider to be unnatural. All jokes aside, the Emperor is a strong and well-rounded character. Like most Force users, he can lift and throw objects with his mind, and can use mind tricks. However, the Dark Side grants him a few extra abilities, such as being able to use the force directly on organic beings.
The Emperor also has a Force Lightning combo attack, and while Force Lightning is nowhere near what it was like in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, it still comes in handy. The Emperor is quite a formidable foe, and he’s also pretty accessible, as you can unlock him immediately with the code SIDIOUS.
4. Darth Maul
Similar Characters: Dark Rey
With his double-bladed lightsaber, Darth Maul is one of the more awesome Dark Side users. Thought to be dead at the end of Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul made his return in the animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars series, with subsequent returns in Star Wars: Rebels and Solo: A Star Wars Story. Like the rest of the Sith in the game, he can use mind tricks and force pushes on his enemies.
However, his skill with his double-bladed lightsaber gives him a little more flair than other users of the Dark Side.
5. Ahsoka Tano
Even though she left the Jedi Order, Ashoka stayed on the light side of the Force. She crafted a new pair of white lightsabers, and used her abilities to aid others and fight against tyranny. Because she dual wields, she’s a little better at lightsaber combat than other characters with the Jedi class, but the advantage is small enough that you can just use your Jedi of choice if you don’t have the Mandalorian DLC.
Like other Jedi, she can use the Force for mind tricks, in addition to using it to levitate and throw objects. You also have the option to upgrade these abilities so your mind tricks can last far longer and thrown objects can do more damage.
6. Anakin Skywalker (Charred)
In LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, you have the option to play as Anakin Skywalker after Obi-Wan got the high ground. However, unlike the films, the playable character still has all of his limbs. This version of Anakin still has his iconic blue lightsaber and has a very cool and unique design.
And, since this character is a Sith, you also have access to the full array of Dark Side abilities. This includes stuff like Force Pushing and Darth Vader’s iconic Force Choke (after certain Dark Side upgrades), which are very useful in combat.
7. Luke Skywalker (Yoda Backpack)
Why be one Jedi when you can be two? While carrying Yoda around on your back may not offer any advantage over any of the other Jedi, it’s fun to play as Luke Skywalker while he’s training.
This version of Luke still retains all of the characteristics and abilities of other Jedi, and despite the extra baggage, he still keeps his double jump. Just remember to do all that Yoda taught you so he won’t be disappointed. He’s right there, after all.
8. Boba Fett
Similar Character: Boba Fett (Re-armored)
It’s no surprise that the most infamous and feared bounty hunter in the galaxy is also one of the best Bounty Hunter characters in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. His weapon of choice is a blaster, though his is better than the blasters most characters use in the game. If you pair it with the Scattershot upgrade, his blaster will fire multiple shots over a decent area at a time.
Boba Fett is also equipped with grenades, and he has a flamethrower that can be used by following a light attack with spamming his heavy attack. His jetpack also lets him fly for three seconds, which gives him and other characters that can fly a fairly big advantage when completing the different side missions, puzzles, and challenges in the game.
9. Jango Fett
Jango Fett is pretty similar to Boba Fett, and that’s not too much of a surprise. Boba is a clone of Jango, after all. Like Boba Fett, Jango primarily uses blasters as his primary weapon, though he wields two blasters versus Boba’s one. Being a Bounty Hunter character, he has grenades (which can be upgraded to shock grenades), and can be upgraded with the Scattershot ability and other upgrades that can help him find enemies and get some studs along the way.
He also has a jetpack. The only major difference between the two Fetts is that Jango lacks the flamethrower combo that Boba has, though him dual wielding blasters makes up for it.
10. First Order Jet Trooper
Yes, they can fly now. While most of the First Order Stormtroopers just have an updated look, the First Order Jet Trooper stands out. And it’s not just because they’re one of the two Villain characters that can fly. What makes the First Order Jet Trooper special is that they’re the only character whose default weapon is a projectile launcher.
Other Villain characters can use rocket launchers found in weapon crates, but since the First Order Jet Trooper’s projectile launcher is their default weapon, it doesn’t run out of ammo. All of this results in a character that is certainly impressive…most impressive.
There is also a Sith Jet Trooper that you can unlock if you want another flying Villain character, but that one only uses a regular blaster, so they’re not nearly as good as the First Order variant.
11. First Order Flametrooper
Similar Character: Incinerator Stormtrooper (Trooper Pack DLC)
What’s not to like about flamethrowers and explosions? Even though the First Order Flametrooper’s flamethrower may not have as much range as a blaster, the flamethrower is more fun to use. It also covers a larger area, making it a very useful weapon for close up combat. It also deals a decent amount of continuous damage, which can’t be achieved by most characters in the game.
And, since the flamethrower is the First Order Flametrooper’s default weapon, there’s no limit for how long it can be used. This is a big deal because the flamethrower is normally a limited-use weapon that’s only found in weapon crates.
12. Sandtrooper (Commander)
Similar Characters: First Order Heavy Assault Trooper, Stormtrooper (Empire Commander)
Next up is the Sandtrooper Commander. This is the same type of Sandtroopers from the “These are not the droids you’re looking for” scene in Episode IV: A New Hope. They’re equipped with heavier blasters that can continuously rapid fire after just a few second of charging up, letting you perform mass destruction at an extraordinary rate.
This is another weapon type that’s normally found in weapon crates with limited ammunition. Just keep in mind that there’s a little bit of recoil from the blaster fire, so you’ll need to make sure to put a little bit of extra effort into aiming.
13. BB-9E
Similar Characters: Any Astromech
BB-9E was a BB unit that served the First Order, and they’re also a boss for one of the LEGO Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker levels. They may not have anything special when compared to other astromechs, but they’re one of my personal favorites. Astromechs are definitely worth having around. There’s a reason why most pilots have one aboard their ships.
They can hack certain areas by utilizing Astromech Sockets, which is necessary for completing several missions and puzzles. BB-9E can also hold their own in combat and can slam into and shock their enemies. Astromechs also have a Distraction upgrade that you can unlock that’s useful when dealing with a lot of enemies. On top of that, you can ride them, so they’re definitely worth having.
14. C-3P0
Similar Characters: Any Protocol Droid
Protocol droids are the go-to droids for human/cyborg relations, and have a variety of useful features. C-3P0 is one of the more iconic and popular protocol droids out there. However, there’s not really any practical difference between the different protocol droids, so feel free to go with your favorite one.
Threepio’s usefulness largely comes into play for Protocol Terminals and translation. He, along with other protocol droids, also have a variety of abilities that can be used to complete missions and puzzles. One such ability is being able to split in half, giving him access areas that otherwise wouldn’t be accessible. Each half can be controlled independently, so it’s great for when you need an extra person to do something.
Threepio is also decent at combat, though for the most part, it’s just hand-to-hand fighting. However, if you unlock the Destructive Assembly upgrade, then C-3P0 will also release a shockwave when he splits in two. Protocol Droids also have the Polished Plating upgrade, which deflects blaster fire. With these upgrades, C-3P0 is a force to be reckoned with.
15. Droideka
Droidekas are one of the many types of droids developed by the Trade Federation and were used by the Separatists during the Clone Wars. They have twin blaster cannons and energy shields, and even though their shields don’t really provide any defense for the player, they provide a nice visual for how low your health is. These destroyer droids are also really fun to play as as they roll and move around pretty quickly.
16. Bo-Katan Kryze
Bo-Katan Kryze is a Mandalorian who fought for the freedom of her planet and is seeking the legendary Darksaber, which would make her the rightful leader of Mandalore. This would enable her to restore her planet and people to their former glory. On the surface level, her character is pretty similar to Jango Fett — they’re both Mandalorians with a blue and gray color scheme, their primary weapons are two blasters, and they both have jetpacks.
However, Bo-Katan is part of the Hero class, whereas Jango is a Bounty Hunter. Because of this, she can operate Hero Terminals and wear disguises. However, she doesn’t get any grenades unless she’s wearing a full set of Stormtrooper armor.
17. Chewbacca
Similar Character: Young Chewbacca
Chewbacca, nicknamed “Chewie” by his friends, is a Wookie that has been alongside the smuggler Han Solo for years. He’s a fairly standard Scoundrel character, and his primary weapon is his bowcaster.
The Scoundrel upgrades give him some advantage in ranged combat. The Piercing Rounds upgrade can damage enemies through cover, and the Charged Shot upgrade lets you charge up a shot so it can do more damage. Chewie can also rip off people’s arms in combat. This is a nice touch, as it’s something Wookies are known for when they get mad.
18. Jawa
Jawas are furry little scavengers that are instantly recognizable from their hooded robes and yellow eyes. They often pick up scraps and abandoned droids and sell them to consumers. If you need something, chances are that they can get it for you, though it’s probably best to not ask where they got it from.
Like other scavengers, they can craft tools like breaker blasters, gliders, and net launchers, all of which regularly come in handy. The Jawa also has a unique primary weapon that electrocutes people and droids, and it’s a fun sight to see.
19. Wampa
Similar Character: Rancor
This fearsome beast from Hoth is not something you’ll want to tangle with, but once you have them, you’ll want to keep them around. Wampas are fairly powerful and strong, though their usefulness doesn’t lie in combat. Rather, their brute strength and force is most valuable in mass destruction. Wampas smash almost anything in their path and can move around fairly quickly.
This results in a character that’s optimal for stud farming. Making money in LEGO Star Wars has never been easier! Just switch to the Wampa and run around, smashing everything in your way. The studs will come flying.
20. Babu Frik
Last but not least is Babu Frik, an Anzellan Droidsmith that operates out of Kijimi. He may be small, but that’s also where much of his usefulness lies. Babu Frik has great mobility, and he can move around quickly. Babu Frik can also access several all sorts of nooks and crannies that others can’t due to his small size. However, some things require normally sized characters, so keep that in mind. Overall, he, along with the rest of the characters on this list, are great to have around.
Join the High Ground
That’s it for our list of the best characters in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga — thanks for reading! Drop a comment telling us your favorite Star Wars characters, and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more LEGO Star Wars content.
Happy gaming!
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