What Are Minikits, & Where Do I Find Them? – LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

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What Are Minikits, & Where Do I Find Them? – LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

With the release of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, fans new and old are getting to experience one of the best combinations of franchises there is. In this new entry in the LEGO Star Wars IP, we’re seeing both new and old features collide.

One such old feature is the inclusion of minikits! But what are minikits exactly? What do they do? And how can you collect them? We’ll be covering all of that and then some in this article explaining minikits and where you can find them in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga!

Without any further delays, let’s jump right in!

What Are Minikits?

What are Minikits?
Image: Traveller’s Tales & Warner Bros. via Koby Gibson Ross / HGG

Minikits are one of The Skywalker Saga’s many collectible items. They are scattered throughout the many different levels in the game. These minikits appear to be white canisters with a red and green flashing light on them, as well as a little antenna. All of it is made out of LEGO, of course.

They were featured in the original LEGO Star Wars games and its numerous sequels, and have since become an iconic item in the gaming world. Just like in the original games, collecting minikits can be used to build small versions of some of the other starships in the game.

Once unlocked, you can use these starships to fly across the galaxy! But just how do you find these minikits?

Where Do I Find Them?

Where to find Minikits in Lego Star Wars
Image: Traveller’s Tales & Warner Bros. via Koby Gibson Ross / HGG

Minikits can be found and grabbed from each of the levels in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. The game features forty-five levels evenly spread across the nine different Episodes. There are five minikits in each level, adding up to a grand total of 225 throughout the whole game.

The ways that you unlock each of these minikits can vary, but generally, you find them lying around in hidden parts of the level. In some instances, you can only get them through Free Play. This is because there are certain barricades to collecting them that can only be overcome by a specific character.

In one level, you need to play as a bounty hunter to destroy a gold chest keeping one locked away. In the level “Better Call Maul,” you’ll need to find and destroy five different cleaning droids in order for the minikit to be given to you.

Keep in mind that you can only unlock some of the minikits with certain characters. On your first time playing through the levels, we recommend not worrying too much about unlocking them. Once you complete the whole saga and unlock most of the characters, you can go back through all the Episodes and collect them then.

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Happy gaming!

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