The Ultimate OSRS F2P Woodcutting Guide (1-99)
Two key verbs drive role-playing games across all subgenres and platforms: hack and slash. Typically, they’re employed in the context of swords and other bladed weapons, like...
What brings you here, traveler?
Two key verbs drive role-playing games across all subgenres and platforms: hack and slash. Typically, they’re employed in the context of swords and other bladed weapons, like...
Spark the flame, light the way. Ok, so Firemaking in OldSchool RuneScape isn’t the noblest or most heroic skill. Instead of wielding Ancient Magicks, slaying dragons, or...
Do you have the heart of a spellcaster? In OldSchool RuneScape, the key reagent in all magic spells is the rune. For years, the only source of runes was seasoned wizards and witches in...
Some folks look down on Crafting. Perhaps they think if you’re not producing food to keep heroes alive or forging molten metal into implements of war, you’re wasting your time. Their...
In the realm of Gielinor, there exists a pantheon of deities to call upon for power and protection. The pantheon is split into the archetypical deities of Order (Saradomin), Chaos (Zamorak), and...
Runes. The keys to arcane powers and abilities beyond the ken of mere mortals. No, the game isn’t Run Escape. It’s RuneScape — and with good reason. The magic...
Across all cultures and planes of existence, from our grounded reality to the far-flung reaches of fantasy, food is a universal constant. It’s a language that speaks straight to the heart by...
The singing swing of a keenly honed blade sets the blood to dancing in the veins like nothing else. From time immemorial, great warriors have risen to do battle with the monsters that plague...
Ah, the bow and arrow. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age. The Ranged skill in OldSchool RuneScape is a fundamental part of the combat triangle. It’s a powerful skill often...
Swing your pick, let it sing. For ore and gems and wealth it brings. Also, experience points — which you may find to be the most valuable treasure of all. Even in the F2P realm, you can...
The ringing sound of a hammer and anvil at work is a gossamer sort of music — sharp but delicate, piercing but brief. Perhaps you agree and could likewise wax poetic in pages of exalting...
Back in my day, we had to beg our parents for a RuneScape subscription. Some of us even mailed(!) our subscription payments all the way to the UK. It’s quite a bit easier nowadays, but a lot...