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Everything We Know About Assassin’s Creed Mirage

Fans of Assassin’s Creed should be very, very happy right now. Ubisoft recently announced not just the next Assassin’s Creed game, but practically every upcoming AC project for the foreseeable future. We’ve got new triple-AAA titles, mobile games, and some information on the upcoming Assassin’s Creed Infinity. One of the most recent (and most interesting) of these announcements is the upcoming Assassin’s Creed: Mirage.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage is a new mainline title that is dedicated to bringing back the classic, linear, stealth-based gameplay we all know and love. We’ve compiled everything that we know about the game for you to keep up with what’s happening.

Related Reading: Everything We Know About Assassin’s Creed Infinity and Everything We Know About Assassin’s Creed Codename Red

Everything We Know About Assassin’s Creed Mirage

So without any more delays, let’s get right into this article for everything we know about Assassin’s Creed Mirage!

1. It’s Going Back to the Series Roots

The first and most exciting thing about this upcoming game is that it will be going back to what made the series so popular to begin with. Before the Assassin’s Creed series was an RPG with +150 hour playthroughs, it was a small and linear action-adventure game with a greater emphasis on stealth. And according to Ubisoft, we’ll be seeing many of those features return in this upcoming installment.

It's Going Back to The Series Roots - Assassin's Creed Mirage
Image: Ubisoft via HGG

In Assassin’s Creed Mirage, you can no longer level up your character. Dialogue options have been completely removed, and there are no branching narratives to speak of. The story structure should remind you more of classic games. There will be a greater emphasis on stealth and sneakily assassinating your targets, rather than building out a certain playstyle out of three different options.

2. There’s a Bigger Focus on Stealth & Parkour

There's a Bigger Focus on Stealth & Parkour Assassin's Creed Mirage
Image: Ubisoft via HGG

Speaking of stealth, let’s go over some more details on that next. The map will apparently be designed to allow you for more ways to sneak past enemies and silently move towards your objective. Players will also be given access to more tools for silently dealing with targets. You’ll have access to a blowdart, as well as smoke bombs that can be used to cover your tracks in an escape.

Parkour is also getting a greater emphasis in this game. Ubisoft has added new ways to traverse the urban environment, such as giving you the ability to pole vault. Hopefully, we’ll be getting the best iteration of parkour yet when this game releases.

3. Story Details, Main Character, & Baghdad Location

We have not yet seen any gameplay of this upcoming title. But the cinematic trailer we saw (which you can watch here) gave us plenty of details on the story and location. It will be set in the middle east, a location common in past entries for the game. It will more specifically take place in 9th century Baghdad, which will be divided up into several different districts for players to explore.

Story Details, Main Character, & Baghdad Location - Assassins Creed Mirage
Image: Ubisoft via HGG

As for the story, it will follow the tale of our main character Basim Ibn Ishaq, who you may recognize from Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. This game takes place twenty years before the events of Valhalla. It will show the origin story for our hero as he joins the Hidden Ones. This should make for a compelling tale, but we won’t know for sure until we get our hands on the game for the first time.

4. The World Will Be More Linear, But Denser

The World Will Be More Linear, But Denser - ASsassins Creed Mirage
Image: Ubisoft via HGG

These fans will be happy to hear that the next game will be much smaller in scope and have a more linear design, reminiscent of classic games. The playtime for this game will be significantly shorter than the incredibly long times we’ve seen in the RPGs, meaning we should get a more compact game.

As for the world itself, it will be smaller than what we’ve come to expect, but denser. One thing I’m personally very excited about is that Ubisoft stated that NPCs will be much more realistic and reactive to the player’s actions. This will hopefully make the world feel much more alive, and it could potentially lead to some emergent gameplay, which the series could definitely benefit from having.

5. It Will Not Include Microtransactions or “Real Gambling”

It Will Not Include Microtransactions or "Real Gambling" -Assassin's Creed Mirage
Image: Ubisoft via HGG

Next on our list for everything we know about Assassin’s Creed Mirage, let’s discuss everyone’s favorite controversial subject — microtransactions. You may have read some headlines recently about this upcoming title being rated A for adults only due to it having “Real Gambling.” Rest assured, this is just a mistake, and it has since been fixed.

According to Ubisoft, the game will not feature gambling of any kind. There will not even be any microtransactions or loot boxes. Huzzah! This is great news to hear, as so many games in the industry feature microtransactions of some kind. Being able to just buy a game and play it without having to buy anything else is a breath of fresh air.

6. Game Price, Release Date, & Platforms

Speaking of purchasing a game, Assassin’s Creed Mirage will be sold for $50 upon it’s expected release date of 2023. This is really great to hear, as there have been several games sold for $70 recently, so being able to save some money is always nice. This also shows the game won’t be nearly as big as past entries (which we’ve already discussed before, see previous sections for more details).

Assassin's Creed Mirage - Game Price, Release Date, & Platforms
Image: Ubisoft via HGG

When the game comes out next year, it will be released for both current and next-gen consoles. This includes the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. It will also be releasing for the five people who own an Amazon Luna game console. And PC gamers will be disapointed to learn there is currently no planned release for Steam. But it will be available for the Ubisoft Store and Epic Games Store.

Join the High Ground

We hope you found this article on everything we know about Assassin’s Creed Mirage informative. What are your thoughts on the upcoming game? Let us know, and be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter for more articles on the next Assassin’s Creed games, as well as content on all your other favorite games.

Happy gaming!

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