Driving a car makes everything better. Getting around town? Better with a car. Racing? Better with a car. So soccer has to be better with a car too, right?
The good folks at Psyonix certainly seem to think so. They took cars, threw in the rules of soccer, then added boosters, a jump button, and the ability to drive up walls. Sound like overkill? Nope! It’s just Rocket League!
Rocket League combines fast-paced action with intricate movement and teamwork for an unparalleled experience. Since its inception back in the summer of ’15, this unique competitive title has gone from strength to strength. The latest additions? Basketball and hockey game modes! Because why not.
While a coordinated team is necessary to compete, you need to make sure you’re giving yourself every edge possible to support your crew. Read on for the best PC and console settings to upgrade your Rocket League game and blow out the competition.
Best Rocket League Settings for PC & Console
Even though each map is limited to an encased arena, it doesn’t change what you’re trying to optimize. Your goal? To increase your frames per second (FPS) and decrease latency for refined movement and visual clarity.
The following section covers the best controls, keyboard, visual, camera, and audio settings for PC and console.
Best Rocket League Controls Settings for PC & Console
Rocket League is built with controllers and consoles in mind, meaning that in-game mouse settings are somewhat limited. Still, there are a few things to optimize to make sure you have the best experience possible, even with a mouse.
Steering Sensitivity: 1.00
While Rocket League is a fast-paced game, you’ll want to keep your sensitivity lower to avoid unnecessary (and unintentional) movements.
Aerial Sensitivity: 1.00
There’s some debate over whether this should be bumped up a few notches. It really depends on how comfortable you are controlling in-air movements. Start at 1.00, see how it feels, and adjust higher if necessary.
Controller Deadzone: 0.50
The Controller Deadzone setting refers to how far you have to pull the joystick before the game registers movement. 0.50 is optimal to keep from making small mistakes.
Dodge Deadzone: 0.70
Dodge Deadzone is how far you must move the joystick (from center) to perform a dodge. Most pros keep it around 0.70.
Controller Vibration: Disabled
Disable the Controller Vibration setting, as rumble effects can mess with your coordination.
Vibration Intensity: 1.00
If controller vibration is toggled off, this setting doesn’t matter. That said, if you have your heart set on vibration, keep it around 1.00 to prevent mistakes.
Ball Camera Mode: Toggle
Ball-focused and free-view camera angles are useful in different instances, and they should both be easily accessible at all times. Choose toggle to make switching between camera settings a simple button press.
Mouse Sensitivity: 10.00
You’ll want to keep the mouse sensitivity lower to allow for precise movements when blocking, dribbling, and making those epic aerial shots.
Keyboard Input Acceleration Time: 0.00
Keep this setting at 0.00 for 1:1 interactions between inputs and on-screen action.
Keyboard Aerial Safety: Off
This setting prevents your car from pitching down while airborne, at the cost of precision control. It’s best to refine your skills without relying on corrective controls, so we recommend toggling off.
Best Rocket League Keybinds for PC & Console
Rocket League is one of those rare titles where even PC players often commit to using a controller. However, the rare professional player that opts for a keyboard has no issue staying competitive when their settings are optimized.
PC Keybinds: For PC players using a mouse and keyboard, the following setup favors keeping movement tied to traditional keys and shifting all in-air movement to the mouse. The remaining camera keys allow you to reach them without taking your hand off of the movement keys, and the focus on ball option is just a simple thumb press away. You could say that this setup almost turns your mouse and off-hand into joysticks, providing fluid and coordinated motion.
Controller Keybinds: For console players (and for those using a controller), the following configuration shows the default Psyonix setup. Psyonix’s default controller settings are balanced and well-suited for casual play but there’s some disagreement as to the best setup for competitive play. A reader named Joe wrote in and shared this resource with us featured on Liquidpedia: Control Settings for Notable Rocket League Players. This is a gigantic list of nearly every Rocket League pro players’ settings. Tweak things as you see fit, but note that some pro players opt to keep the default settings as they are while others make significant key bind changes.
Best Rocket League Video Settings for PC & Console
Rocket League isn’t designed around high-end computer builds, and even with standard settings, you shouldn’t experience too many issues. That said, the latest visual updates and a handful of map backgrounds can cause some stuttering and latency issues. Try out the following settings to make sure your gaming experience never falls below optimal.
Window Settings
Resolution: Native
Stick to native resolution to optimize for your PC and monitor automatically. You can always lower this if you’re experiencing extreme stuttering, but the likelihood of this happening in Rocket League is very low.
Window Mode: Fullscreen
Fullscreen gives you a maximized view without issue. You can also choose the Borderless option, but this has been known to cause input lag due to the fast-paced, full-range movement in play.
Vertical Sync: Off
Although keeping this on provides smoother graphics, it’s also known to cause extreme input lag. Only turn on if you experience consistent screen tearing.
Basic Settings
Anti Aliasing: FXAA Low or High
To maximize frame rate, opt for the FXAA Low setting. Only shift to the higher setting if your PC can handle the power.
Render Quality: High Quality
Since Rocket League doesn’t high graphical performance, you’ll want to max this setting out. Any of the lower setting options will make gameplay muddled and visual cues more difficult to see.
Render Detail: Custom
Setting to custom allows you to make additional changes to the following sections.
Max FPS: Uncapped
You always want to max out your FPS, so set this to the highest possible setting.
Advanced Settings
Texture Detail: High Quality
Due to Rocket League’s accessible graphics, you can opt for higher quality texture detail without experiencing any dips in frame rate.
World Detail: Performance
Set this to performance, as it helps diminish external background distractions. While it won’t add many additional performance benefits, it can help you focus on the gameplay over flashy environments.
Particle Detail: Performance
In most games, particles pose a significant drain on performance. Despite its overall accessibility, this is also true for Rocket League. Keep Particle Detail at the performance setting for best results.
Effect Intensity: Low Intensity
This setting affects lighting effects like flashing and pulsing, as well as distracting background visuals. Although designed to prevent epileptic episodes, it’s also ideal for competitive players seeking to reduce distractions as much as possible.
High Quality Shaders: On
This is one of those settings where, if you turn it off, it dramatically changes the visuals. Keep this on unless your PC is struggling to perform. Even then, it’s best to adjust other settings before this one.
Ambient Occlusion: Off
The opposing team is almost always easy to find, and seeing their shadows doesn’t add any benefit. Turn Ambient Occlusion off to save a few frames.
Depth of Field: Off
Leaving this setting on leads to more realistic long-distance blurriness, but that doesn’t do you much good when competing. Turn this off to make everything at any distance equally sharp.
Bloom: On
Bloom applies more realistic lighting effects and bleeding from light sources. Since arenas are typically designed with low-level glowing neon, this effect doesn’t necessarily cause any issues. However, a handful of maps (such as Neo Tokyo) do have more vibrant lighting designs, which may mean you’ll want to turn this off from time to time.
Light Shaft: Off
These create the light rays that extend off of the in-game sun or other large light sources. These rays can easily be a distraction, so Light Shaft should be turned off just in case.
Lens Flare: Off
This causes the blinding effect when directly facing a light source. Since some maps have lighting in various spots throughout the field and background, this can cause problems and should just be turned off.
Dynamic Shadows: Off
While the direct shadows from an earlier setting aren’t helpful, dynamic shadows can be. This setting allows shadows to extend from a source and can help you identify incoming opponents from above or behind. Be aware that this is one of Rocket League’s biggest performance drainers and should only be turned on if you have frames to spare.
Motion Blur: Off
Blurriness is unnecessary and only limits your vision of opponents.
Weather Effects: Off
The weather effects were a visual addition from Psyonix to amp up the beauty of the game and reflect the neon lighting. Overall, this isn’t useful in competitive play and should be turned off.
Transparent Goalposts: On
Keep Transparent Goalposts on for maximum visibility at all times.
Best Rocket League Camera Settings for PC & Console
Since Rocket League is really soccer with an added aerial dimension, camera settings are the most critical piece. While the settings themselves are more up to you and your personal preference, there are still specific starting points that can give you a head start.
Camera Preset: Custom
Use the following settings to get the most performance possible.
Camshake: Off
You’ll never see a pro opt for Camshake. Sure, you get the visual stimulus that comes from speed and movement, but you sacrifice clarity and accuracy. Keep this setting off to avoid any inconsistency when moving.
FOV: 105° – 110°
Since you’re playing in an arena, an extended FOV can be extremely helpful for tracking enemies and the ball in your peripheral. Test out anywhere from 105° – 110° to see what fits best for you.
Distance: 260 – 280
This setting represents the distance between your car and the camera, which means the approved range is vast. You’ll typically see pros keep it somewhere between 250 and 300, with a focus on providing a broader view of the field to better survey potential actions.
Height: 100.00 – 110.00
Height deals with the height of the camera. The higher it is, the more you can survey. The main issue here is that if you go too high, it makes it difficult to line up shots or jump accurately.
Angle: – 3.00
You’ll want an angle that gives you a solid upper overview while allowing you to look ahead of the car. Adjust as needed, but aim for somewhere in the middle.
Camera Stiffness: 0.35 – 0.40
Stiffness affects how tightly the camera follows your car at higher speeds. The lower you go, the looser it follows; the higher you go, the more it sticks directly to the car. Most pros bring this setting down just a bit below 0.50, but test it out and adjust as needed.
Swivel Speed: 5.40
Set the speed of your camera movement somewhere in the middle to retain reasonable speed and accuracy.
Transition Speed: 1.00
This setting sets the speed of scene transitions between the car and ball cameras. Naturally, the lower, the better. Set this to one for optimal results.
Invert Swivel: Custom
Prefer inverted controls? This setting is entirely up to you.
Best Rocket League Audio Settings for PC & Console
Rocket League contains a ton of distracting sounds that can lead you astray or mask important gameplay notification. To combat this, max out your gameplay audio and turn every other audio setting down to zero (save for voice volume). This will help you home in on the directional noise of the ball and enemies without having to cut through the clutter of music and other sound effects.
Putting it to Practice
Rocket League may not be the most graphically refined eSports title on the market, but it still has a lot to offer by way of customization. By making a few tweaks to capitalize on the minimal graphics and lightning-fast gameplay, you can easily optimize your setup while keeping a handful of visuals at higher settings.
For those just starting, remember that the game was designed with controllers in mind. You’ll most likely want to go with a controller unless you are extremely comfortable and willing to put in the work with a mouse and keyboard.
Aside from that, try these settings and keep refining your jump timing and dribbling. You should find yourself competing with the pros — or at least whopping all your friends — in no time.
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You should keep your controller deadzone around 0,05-0,1 and sensitivity around 1,3.
Why it does not help me
Probably because you weren’t good enough to notice.
Great information, thanks!
The sensitivity settings in the beginning of this article are absolutely useless. Do not follow them
Close to 0 Pro players use Psyonix’s default controller settings and the default controller settings are known to be bad.
For new players, her ( https://liquipedia.net/rocketleague/List_of_player_control_settings ) is a link to the controller settings of every pro player, try out some different settings and find the one you like the most.
Yo thank you I was about to play with these settings and I am a grand champ 3
Your framerate should be capped at your monitor’s refresh rate. Using more processing for frames you cant see just puts more stress on the video card, increasing heat.