Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader Eurac V Lab Puzzle Solutions

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Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader Eurac V Lab Puzzle Solutions

Gather your lab equipment and solve the Eurac V puzzle with this guide!

On your quest to get a Navigator in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader early in Chapter 1, you’ll find yourself on Eurac V. While exploring this distressed station you’ll come across a bunch of materials and lab equipment to help you solve a puzzle in the nearby laboratory. If you’re having trouble finding the solutions to this puzzle then have no fear. In this guide, we’ll be going over the Eurac V Lab puzzle solution in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader. 

Gathering Items

The first thing we need to do before actually solving the puzzle is gather the necessary materials. There are more materials scattered around the map that act as red herrings, so I’ll be skipping their location since all it amounts to is a literal explosion in the face.

The first item, the Mutated Flesh Sample, can be found on a corpse in the main room where you’re ambushed.

Owlcat Games / Justin Moniquette

The second item is Data-Crypt H-41-OK. You can find this data slate in the side room on your path to power up the elevator and open up the doors in the main room.

Owlcat Games / Justin Moniquette

The next six items you need can be found in containers in the lab itself where you need to remake the Control Rod. The items you need are the Data-Crypt K-04-OH, Flesh Sample, Psy-Crystal, Adamantine, Biogel, and Unidentified Acid. 

Owlcat Games / Justin Moniquette

Once everything is collected, use the Transducer in the room where you remake the Control Rod and grind the Psy-Crystal and Adamantine into dust.

Solution #1

The first solution for this puzzle has us using the Flesh Sample for the Tissue Flask, Data-Crypt K-04-OH for the Data-Crypt Connecter, the Unidentified Acid for the Catalyst Flask, and the Adamantine Dust for the Reagent Flask. Your reward for this will be six Elixirs of Warp Neutrality. These elixirs are incredibly useful when facing Psykers since they make you immune to warp damage.

Solution #2

The second solution for this puzzle has us using the Mutated Flesh Sample for the Tissue Flask, Data-Crypt H-41-OK for the Data-Crypt Connector, the Biogel for the Catalyst Flask, and the Crystal Dust for the Reagent Flask. Your reward for this will be six Adaptive Antidot. These are useful when in areas with toxic damage since they grant immunity to toxic damage. 


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