SWTOR: The Easiest Way to Get a Speeder

Mounts are a staple of any MMO. Star Wars: The Old Republic is no exception. Venture to any populated zone and you’re sure to find players riding all manner of speeders and creatures. SWTOR speeders and mounts do look cool, but they also serve a gameplay purpose in that they allow your character to move significantly faster.

Many of the mounts you’ll see veteran players traipsing upon are premium items. They are acquired either through past promotional events or from the Cartel Market cash shop. So how are newer players who don’t wish to fork over their wallets supposed to join in on the fun and ride around on neat little speeders? Worry not, because we’ve created this guide to show the easiest way to get a speeder for both factions.

How to Acquire the Speeder Piloting Ability

Combat in SWTOR
Image: BioWare and EA via HGG / Noelle Roberts

In order to use mounts, your character requires the ability Speeder Piloting 1. Subscribers receive this perk at Level 10, while free-to-play and preferred status players can pick it up starting at Level 20. For a lump sum of credits (or cartel coins), you can also unlock the perk for your Legacy, though this is an unlikely option for first-time players.

After reaching the level requirement, speak to any trainer. They should have Speeder Piloting 1 in their menu. Simply right click on the ability and it will be added to your character. After this, you can ride any of the game’s mounts. Note that as you level up, you will gain access to higher levels of Speeder Piloting.

SWTOR: Speeder Training

The following chart shows when each level is unlocked and the effect it has.

RankLevel RequirementMovement Speed Increase
Speeder Piloting 120, 10 for Subscribers90% Faster
Speeder Piloting 235, 25 for Subscribers100% Faster
Speeder Piloting 345, 35 for Subscribers110% Faster
Speeder Piloting 460, Must be purchased as Legacy Perk120% Faster
Speeder Piloting 570, Must be purchased as Legacy Perk130% Faster

Now that you have the Speeder Piloting perk, you’ll need to actually purchase a speeder. Speeder vendors can be found all over the galaxy. For the sake of ease, however, we’ll point you in the direction of the earliest available speeder vendors for both factions.

Imperial Speeder Vendor

Dromund Kaas

Kaas City Map Speeder Vendor Location
Image: BioWare and EA via HGG / Noelle Roberts
Dromund Kaas Map
Image: BioWare and EA via HGG / Noelle Roberts

The Dromund Kaas speeder vendor is the first that Empire players are likely to encounter. You’ll find the vendor on the Eastern side of Kaas City, in the market district. He’ll be right by the Stronghold terminals. In his inventory, you’ll find speeders listed anywhere between 8,000 and several million credits. For beginning players, you’ll most likely only be able to afford his cheapest vehicles. Luckily, he has a pretty good selection of them available.

Dromund Kaas Speed Vendor
Image: BioWare and EA via HGG / Noelle Roberts

Imperial Fleet

Vaiken Spacedock Map Speeder Vendor Location
Image: BioWare and EA via HGG / Noelle Roberts
Imperial Fleet Speeder Vendor
Image: BioWare and EA via HGG / Noelle Roberts

By far the most convenient vehicle salesman for the Empire is the one located on the Imperial Fleet. In Vaiken Spacedock, you’ll find him in the Galactic Trade Market in the southwest corridor. He’s located in the second stall from the left, surrounded by various speeders. This little recreation of a real-world car dealership is hard to miss. The wares for sale here are similar to those in Kaas City, though there are a bit more options. Particularly on the lower end of costs, you’ll find a wider selection at Vaiken Spacedock than Kaas City. This is good news for newer players seeking to get their hands on a good-looking ride.

Republic Speeder Vendor

Republic Fleet

Republic Fleet Carrick Station Map  Speeder Vendor Location
Image: BioWare and EA via HGG / Noelle Roberts
The Speeder Vendor in Galactic Trade Market
Image: BioWare and EA via HGG / Noelle Roberts

On the other side of the Galactic Cold War, the first speeder vendor available to players is on the Republic Fleet. This one is located on the Republic equivalent of Vaiken Spacedock, Carrick Station. He’s situated in the Galactic Trade Market in the northeast corridor. You’ll find him in the middle stall surrounded by speeders, similarly to the Imperial vendor. Thankfully, he’ll have exactly the same wares as his Imperial counterpart, quelling any worry of one faction missing out on neat-looking mounts.


Anchorhead Speeder Vendor Location
Image: BioWare and EA via HGG / Noelle Roberts
Tatooine Map
Image: BioWare and EA via HGG / Noelle Roberts

Republic players’ first planet side speeder vendor doesn’t show up for quite a bit. This salesman is located in Anchorhead on Tatooine, just outside the spaceport. Look for a friendly Bith fellow stationed under a small, shady roof. This vendor is much like the one found in Kaas City. He has a pretty slim selection of choices for players looking on the lower end of the pricing spectrum. Still, he does have a few unique options which can’t be found from the Fleet vendor. Go with whichever seems the best to you.

Bith the speeder vendor
Image: BioWare and EA via HGG / Noelle Roberts

How to Use Speeders

Now that you’ve acquired a shiny new ride, it should appear as an item in your inventory. Simply right click it and wait just a moment for your character to unlock it. Afterwards, the mount you’ve chosen will be added to your character. You can access your new vehicle by going into the Abilities screen and selecting the Vehicles section. Additionally, you can click-drag a mount to your quick bar for easy access. As well, right clicking a mount in the abilities screen will favorite it (indicated by a small gold star). This allows that mount to be a possible summon when using the “Summon Random Mount” ability.

Zooming around in a SWTOR Speeder
Image: BioWare and EA via HGG / Noelle Roberts

Congratulations on unlocking your first vehicle in SWTOR! As you continue playing, you’re sure to unlock wider varieties. Aside from the Cartel Market, there are a number of high-level activities and events which have the potential to drop mounts. Always be on the lookout when an in-game event happens, searching for unique mounts to attain. Additionally, it’s common for BioWare to give all players complimentary mounts in special times, such as when a new Star Wars product is released.

Join the High Ground

That concludes our guide on the easiest way to get a speeder in SWTOR. Hopefully your adventures across the galaxy will go by a bit quicker now.

Have any extra thoughts? Want to show off your first and/or favorite mounts? Feel free to leave a comment below or share this post on social media to let us know. Also, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for more Star Wars: The Old Republic guides and gaming content.

Happy gaming, and may the Force be with you!


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