Best Jedi Sage Builds in SWTOR (2024)

Buildcrafting is a core pillar of Star Wars: The Old Republic. As with all MMORPGs, SWTOR encourages players to customize their characters and experiment with all the options at play. The game features 8 classes across 2 factions. Each of these classes has 2 combat styles, and each of these has 3 disciplines. With so many options at play, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Additionally, some players may wish to circumvent experimentation in favor of just having a solid build which can work well in most situations. With this in mind, we’ve created this guide to some solid builds for a Jedi Sage in The Old Republic.

The Jedi Sage is a combat style for the Jedi Consular class. We’ll be listing one build for each of the Sage’s 3 disciplines; Telekinetics, Seer, and Balance. Jedi Sage is mostly a DPS (Damage Per Second) class, with the exception of Seer being a Healer class. This gives players a nice bit of variety in terms of available role options. As well, recent updates have allowed players to change their discipline (but not their class or combat style) at will, provided they’re in a rest video. This virtually eliminates any significant risk in character creation, further encouraging customization and experimentation.

Jedi Sages utilize the Light Side of the Force more than any other Jedi class. Telekinetics seeks to test the limits of the Light Side to cause disciplined destruction. The Seer utilizes the Light Side to help others with its mystical healing powers. Meanwhile, Balance strives to take the strengths of both sides of the Force while eliminating each’s weaknesses. This is a ranged Force class, which is unique for The Old Republic.

The uniqueness complexity on display here can make it a bit harder to pick up for the first time. That said, Jedi Sage has a flavor all of its own which isn’t found in many other of SWTOR‘s combat styles. If you’re looking to play a more melee-focused Force class, consider the Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior. If you’d like to explore a darker version of this path, look into the Sith Inquisitor (specifically the Sith Sorcerer).

Telekinetics Sage Build

Telekinetics Sage’s Role

Burst Damage DPS – Damage Per Second, of course, focuses on dealing as much damage as possible in as short a time as possible. Burst DPS classes are designed to deal high amounts of damage on each hit. This contrasts DoT (Damage over Time) DPS classes, who specialize in dealing constant, sustained streams of damage which add up over time.

There are a lot of viable customization options for Telekinetics. Most of the time, converting single-target DPS classes to AoE DPS can be a bit lackluster. Many of these classes are *meant* to be single-target, their moveset is structured around this. They usually have a few single-target moves which can be converted to AoE, and/or have a couple AoE options in their ability tree. These ability tree AoEs are almost always situational tools to keep groups away or don’t measure up to their single-target focused alternatives.

Telekinetics, on the other hand, feels like they’re specifically designed to be converted to different roles. In this way, they’re a bit like a “Swiss army knife” class. By default, they’re a bit of a halfway point between burst and sustain, as well as between single and AoE targets (this being said, they still lean closer to single-target burst). Conversions between single-target burst and AoE burst are far easier and more viable on Telekinetics than it is on many other classes.

Main Abilities

Weaken Mind – This DoT is good to use as an opener, as it can add some damage to your rotation and makes Turbulence automatically crit. Additionally, you can cast this on weaker side enemies to get their health down and cover you/your team. You can activate this ability on cooldown if you wish, but it’s far from necessary.
Turbulence – On its own, Turbulence isn’t really anything special. However, combined with Weaken Mind, it becomes Telekinetics’ single most damaging ability. This is because, as previously mentioned, Turbulence can dish out automatic criticals. If you use Turbulence on a target already affected by Weaken Mind, Turbulence will auto crit. Because of this, you’ll want to make sure you have Weaken Mind active on the target before using Turbulence. In this way, the two abilities form a nice synergetic combo.
Telekinetic Wave/Power of the Force – This is one of the main ability tree conversions which can help change Telekinetics’ mechanics. By default, Telekinetic Wave is an AoE ability with a nice amount of damage. It can be converted to Power of the Force, a single-target ability that deals 30% more damage. Essentially, you trade area for damage.
Telekinetic Gust, Mind Crush, and Project – You need to use these abilities together. Their synergy isn’t just a nice bonus, it is essential to making them viable. Telekinetic Gust does a nice bit of damage with a long cooldown. However, it will activate a buff which reduces Mind Crush’s cooldown. Mind Crush deals good damage, but has a long cooldown. In essence, you need Telekinetic Gust’s cooldown reduction in order to make Mind Crush deal enough damage PER SECOND overall. Project doesn’t deal a lot of damage at all on its own, however its damage is significantly increased by Mind Crush. In this way, these three abilities form a nice little combo.
Telekinetic Burst – There’s not much to say about Telekinetic Burst (what a relief). It’s a simple filler ability.

Additional Abilities to Consider

Force Speed – An ability buff augmented by the gear suggestions. This should be used as a utility for increasing the usefulness of Turbulence.

Ability Tree Choices

23Power of the Force/Dormant Tremors – Select Power of the Force if you’d like to change the ability to single target. Likewise, Dormant Tremors allows it to remain a solid AoE option.
27Cloud Mind/Forceful Retribution- Cloud Mind takes some enemy attention away from you. An overall good choice. That said, Forceful Retribution allows you to prioritize AoE a bit more.
39Mental Disparity – Massively boosts your DPS output. By far the best way to maximize damage output in the whole tree.
43Defensive Blast – A nice defensive ability to have in your back pocket.
51Force Mobility/Resistance – Always nice to have some extra mobility options. Take Resistance if you find survivability lacking.
64Metaphysical Alacrity – As said before, mobility boosts are always good to have. Take this especially if you pick resistance in the previous level.
68Phase Walk – Good defensive option. Can get you out of some sticky situations (as well as just being a really cool ability to pull off).
73Mind Ward – The best boosts to survivability on the whole tree. This is a great choice, as Telekinetic is a pretty squishy class.

Rotation, Priorities

Rotation doesn’t really apply to Telekinetic like it does to other disciplines. Because you have so many equally viable abilities at once, this class really lends itself to experimentation. We’ll give you a list of how to prioritize your abilities, as well as a sampling of some combo chains you can do.


Weaken Mind
Telekinetic Gust
Mind Crush
Telekinetic Burst
Telekinetic Wave/Power of the Force
Telekinetic Burst

Sample Combos


Power of the Force-Turbulence-Power of the Force/Telekinetic Wave-Turbulence-Telekinetic Wave
Telekinetic Gust-Mind Crush-Project
Telekinetic Burst x3

Gear Suggestions

Upon reaching level 80, focus on acquiring as much Gold tier gear at the highest Item Rating possible (currently this number is 336). After all of your gear has reached this level, here are some tips on how to optimize your gear loadouts:

  • The best Legendary Implants for Telekinetics Sage are Unmatched Haste and Gathering Storm
  • The best Tactical Items for Telekinetics Sage are Stormwatch and Elemental Convection (AoE tactical item)

Seer Sage Build

Seer Sage’s Role

Healing – Healers focus on supporting their team. Generally, healer classes are very hard to learn and require more focus than other classes. However, some of the highest levels of fun to be had in an MMO can lie within healers, so long as you’re willing to put in the effort. As a result of the support focus here, you won’t be dealing hardly any damage as a Seer. Additionally, healers thrive in group content. You won’t generally want to be a healer in solo play.

Main Abilities

Rejuvenate – Gradually heals over 15 seconds. The amount of health restored isn’t a lot, but it’s simple. Therefore, you’ll be using this just as a small, reliable healing option.
Force Armor – Places a bubble on an ally. This gradually heals them, and heals them far more if they are currently taking damage. You cannot place more than one bubble on the same ally within 15 seconds, so it’s best to be placing bubbles on all your allies as often as possible.
Deliverance and Benevolence – These are your best heals. Deliverance is by far your biggest heal, it acts as your main healing ability. Benevolence on its own is terrible. Never use Benevolence unless you have Altruism active. Altruism activates whenever you use Salvation, Disturbance, Mind Crush, and Deliverance (which is part of why the abilities are together here). Altruism makes your next Benevolence cast free, as well as healing for 60% more health. Every single time you get Altruism, use Benevolence.
Salvation – Your AoE heal. When used, a circle is placed beneath your feet and allies must stand within it to acquire the healing effect. Once the heal has been applied to them, they can exit the circle freely and still receive health.
Wandering Mend – Attaches to the ally you target, then heals them when next they take damage. Afterwards, attaches to the ally closest to them with the lowest health and repeats the process. Good for if multiple people need heals/if your allies are about to take a lot of damage.
Healing Trance – This is a channeled ability, which means they require a constant stream and have a definite casting time. Since Healing Trance has a short cooldown, you’ll want to use this pretty much whenever you can.

Additional Abilities to Consider

Restoration – This ability cleanses debuffs applied to your allies. Healers must be extra vigilant to make sure they get rid of debuffs pretty much whenever they crop up.
Vindicate – You’ll want to use this ability whenever your Force is critically low. It restores a significant amount of Force but slows your Force regeneration for a short bit. That said, if Healing Trance scores a critical hit, this is negated. Whenever Healing Trance scores crits, use Vindicate.
Revival – Use this every time an ally goes down in battle. It is your dedicated revive ability.
Mental Alacrity – Lessens your cooldowns a bit. Increases your capacity to deal out more heals at a faster rate. Use for when you need a lot of quick heals.
Force Potency – Activating this ability allows the next couple of heals you activate to have greatly increased critical chance.

Ability Tree Choices

23Keeper of Peace – The ability to heal 2 allies at once with Deliverance is very beneficial.
27Cloud Mind – Takes some enemy attention away from you. Additionally, helps Tanks manage enemy attention.
39Rejuvenating Aura – Converting Rejuvenation to a group-wide AoE heal is an absurd upgrade to this ability.
43Force Empowerment – A nice buff to your teammates. Not much else to say.
51Force Mobility – Always nice to have some extra mobility options.
64Metaphysical Alacrity – As said before, mobility boosts are always good to have.
68Phase Walk – Good defensive option. Can get you out of some sticky situations (as well as just being a really cool ability to pull off).
73Mind Ward – The best boosts to survivability on the whole tree. This is a great choice, as Telekinetic is a pretty squishy class.


Healers don’t have rotations like other classes do. As such, they are more suited to priority lists.

Rejuvenate (to use in tandem with Healing Trance
Healing Trance
Force Armor
Wandering Mend
Healing Trance

Knowing which abilities to use and when is mostly up to your own personal judgement. If you think Wandering Mend is more contextually useful for a situation that corresponds to Healing Trance on this table, go with your gut. This is a big reason why Healers can be so hard to learn. They require intense game knowledge and attention. That said, with that attention and knowledge, many players find it more fun to make it up as you go rather than be locked to a rotation.

Gear Suggestions

Upon reaching level 80, focus on acquiring as much Gold tier gear at the highest Item Rating possible (currently this number is 336). After all of your gear has reached this level, here are some tips on how to optimize your gear loadouts:

  • The best Legendary Implants for a Seer are Unmatched Haste and Revitalize.
  • The best Tactical Item for a Seer is One for All

Balance Sage Build

Balance Sage’s Role

DoT DPS – DPS is the simplest role to explain, as well as the easiest to learn and play. Damage over Time (DoT) is just what it says on the tin. You won’t be doing a ton of damage per strike, rather you’ll be focusing on keeping a sustained stream of damage that gradually adds up.

Main Abilities

Force Serenity – The damage dealt by this ability is reflected back as health to you. This makes it a very useful ability for pretty much any situation.
Sever Force – Your first main DoT and among your highest-damage attacks.
Weaken Mind – Your second main DoT and also among your highest-damage attacks.
Project – Not great on its own, alright as a filler. It gains its usefulness from an ability tree choice. Teachings of Rajivari allows Project to finish off all your DoTs at once. This makes them deal all their remaining damage instantly. It makes for a more complicated but much much more powerful rotation.
Telekinetic Throw – A good filler. Not much else to say here.

Additional Abilities to Consider

Force in Balance – A very useful AoE ability, great to have sitting around and can be easily worked into rotations. Can be used as a DoT spread.
Forcequake – Your standard AoE ability.
Mental Alacrity – Reduces all your cooldowns, allowing you to dish out damage much quicker for a bit.
Force Potency – Activating this ability allows the next couple of force attacks you activate to have greatly increased critical chance.

Ability Tree Choices

23Consuming Light/Shifted Balance – Take Consuming Light for solo content and Shifted Balance for group content.
27Teachings of Rajivari – We covered this choice in the Main Abilities section under Project.
39Shatter Connection/Center Point – If you took Consuming Light at Level 23, choose Shatter Connection. If you took Shifted Balance, choose Center Point.
43Enhanced Force Speed – Force Speed is a beneficial utility ability which is augmented by our gear suggestions. Taking this greatly increases how often you can use it, leading to better, more frequent buffs.
51Force Mobility – Always nice to have some extra mobility options.
64Metaphysical Alacrity – As said before, mobility boosts are always good to have.
68Phase Walk – Good defensive option. Can get you out of some sticky situations (as well as just being a really cool ability to pull off).
73Mind Ward – The best boosts to survivability on the whole tree. This is a great choice, as Telekinetic is a pretty squishy class.


This is a fair bit more complicated than other rotations, so bear with us.

Opening Rotation

Cast Vanquish before heading into the encounter
Use Sever Force
Activate Weaken Mind
Buff yourself with Mental Alacrity
Use Force Potency and Force Speed
If you can, use Force Empowerment
Activate Force Serenity
Place a Force in Balance
Cast Telekinetic Throw twice
Project for a huge damage burst
Sever Force once again
Followed by another Weaken Mind
Then Telekinetic Throw
Cast Force Speed
Force Serenity
Another Force in Balance
And finally, bookend the opener with a Vanquish

After going through the opening, you can continue to the standard rotation.

Standard Rotation

Start with Force Potency
Then Force Serenity and Force Speed
Place a Force in Balance
Cast Telekinetic Throw
Activate Sever Force
Set up a Weaken Mind
Use Mental Alacrity if you can
Project for a massive damage burst
Put another Sever Force up
Then another Weaken Mind
And finish the rotation with one Telekinetic Throw if you don’t have Mental Alacrity and two if you do have Mental Alacrity.

Afterwards, you can repeat this rotation as needed. When starting new encounters, repeat from the opener. If you’re still in the current encounter, repeat from the beginning of the basic rotation.

Gear Suggestions

Upon reaching level 80, focus on acquiring as much Gold tier gear at the highest Item Rating possible (currently this number is 336). After all of your gear has reached this level, here are some tips on how to optimize your gear loadouts:

  • The best Tactical Items for Balance are Tempest of Rho for single-target and Killing Field for AoE.
  • The best Legendary Implants for Balance are Gathering Storm and Unmatched Haste.

Join the High Ground

That concludes our build guides for the Jedi Sage. We hope this guide has prepared you to be a guiding light for the galaxy.

Special thanks to Vulkk and SWTORISTA for their robust resources on the Jedi Sage.

Have any more thoughts? Want to show off your favorite Jedi Sage build? Feel free to leave a comment below or share this post on social media to let us know. As well, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for more SWTOR guides and gaming content.

Happy gaming, and may the Force be with you!


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