Guild Wars 2 Waystone

>Games>Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Canon

Release Date: 28/08/2012

Developer: ArenaNet | Publisher: NCSoft

Genres: MMO RPG


Official Website View on Amazon   |   View on Steam  

Melodies & Mockeries

Behold, High Ground Gaming's resident trolls! The cheerful Gurg and the irritable Grundle — together they bring songs of praise and mutterings of discontent about Guild Wars 2.

The Jolly Troll
In Tyria's realm where legends dwell,
Guild Wars 2 casts its spell.
A world of might, magic, and lore,
Where heroes rise and dragons roar.

From Shiverpeaks to Orr's dark sands,
Adventurers from diverse lands.
Join in battles, bold and grand,
United to protect their stand.

Mesmers' illusions, Rangers' bow,
Each class a unique way to show.
In dungeons deep and vistas high,
Their stories blend with the sky.

Let's toast to Tyria, vast and free,
Where every quest is its own odyssey.
Guild Wars 2, a saga so bright,
In its embrace, we find our light.
The Angry Troll
Guild Wars 2, the MMO where excitement goes to retire. What's this, an endless parade of armor-clad heroes prancing around, solving everyone's problems? It's like a fairytale gone wrong, but without the good parts. And the battles – where's the blood, the guts, the glory? It’s just a bunch of sparkly magic and clanging metal. The combat? It's like a jester dancing ballet while juggling swords – looks fancy but leaves you dizzy. The community's great if you enjoy chatting with people who've been doing the same quest for the past five years. The teamwork? It's like a band of elves singing Kumbaya. Give me a real, gritty fight, not this choreographed dance of swords and spells. At least when I fight, it's not for badges and pats on the back!

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