During your travels through Mount Qaf, you’ll be faced with many traps and puzzles sooner rather than later. None are more head-scratch-inducing than the Architect Puzzles that grant juicy rewards to players willing to solve them. If you’ve been struggling to solve, or even find these puzzles then have no fear. In this series of guides, we’ll be going into where to find every Architect Puzzle and how to solve them.
Pit of Eternal Sands Architect Puzzle
The fifth Architect is located in the Pit of Eternal Sands right underneath the Sentinel’s Road fast travel point. Drop down and continue until you see Fariba (or where she would be if you’ve already gotten the map from her). Behind her should be a false wall that you can attack to reveal the Architect puzzle.

This one is less direct than the other puzzles. The hints given are the statues in the background. What you need to do is capture the enemy the statue mimics with your Dimensional Claw and release it in the puzzle room so it gets crushed by the trap pillars. The hardest part of this puzzle is finding the enemy needed to solve the puzzle.

To find one of these enemies you need to head to the Upper City. The fastest way to get one is to go to the Night Temple fast-travel and jump off the left side to the bottom. On the bridge, the enemy you need to grab should attack you. All you need to do is capture him and head back to the puzzle room and you’re done.
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