How to Level Up Friendship Fast in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Disney Dreamlight Valley gives our inner child something we always wanted — an opportunity to befriend beloved Disney staples! In today’s guide, we’ll make sure you know exactly how to level up your friendship in Disney Dreamlight Valley!

Over the course of the game, you’ll visit characters in their domains and inviting them back to Dreamlight Valley, where the characters can become good friends with you! We’ll be covering the multiple ways you can level up your friendship with them and what benefits they provide.

Let’s get started!

How to Level Up Friendships

At this moment in time, each character has a maximum ten friendship levels to unlock. There are multiple ways for you to level up your character friendships, although some work a little faster than others.

Leveling friendships in Disney Dreamlight Valley is pretty similar to nourishing friendships IRL. It involves spending quality time together, and performing small acts of service to make their life in the valley a little easier. Each action will give you more XP that contributes to your overall friendship meter. 

Give Them Gifts

Everyone loves a nice gift.
Everyone loves a good gift. | Image: Gameloft via HGG / Aliya Hall

One way to endear a character to you is by giving them some of their favorite things. We all love gifts, and the characters of Dreamlight Valley are no different! In the Collection section of the main menu, you can look at Characters to see their favorite items of the day. For example, Scar enjoys sushi on some days or Ariel is feeling like receiving fabric today.

Depending on the item, it can be easy to gift them their favorite thing and brighten up their day. You can gift characters up to three times a day, and it’s an easy way to help boost your friendship. 

Go on Quests

Folks need help setting up usually in Dreamlight Valley.
Adventuring together makes for fire-forged friends. | Image: Gameloft via HGG / Aliya Hall

When a character first arrives in Dreamlight Valley, they usually need your help on a quest in order to get settled. This is the perfect opportunity for you to start making progress on your friendship goal. There are also often mini-quests that can help further build your friendship, as well as progress the game’s main story.  

Each quest is specialized to the character you’re helping, but some quests could involve a tie-in with other characters. For example, with Scar’s friendship quest “Friends Aren’t Food,” you’ll need help from both Mother Gothel and Remy. Both of them will need you to gather materials before you can continue. This can make some friendship quests take a little longer to complete, but usually the payoff is worth the time!

Hang Out with Them

By spending time with a character, you are also working towards increasing their friendship level. “Hanging Out” can mean having the character accompany you around the island, or by performing tasks with them in their companion role (more on that later).

Talk with Them

Talking is a great way to level up your friendship in real life and Disney Dreamlight Valley
Catch up with your friends regularly. | Image: Gameloft via HGG / Aliya Hall

As simple as it may seem, even if you just spend some time each day talking with the different characters, your interactions will give you more XP that goes towards leveling up your friendship. To talk with a character, you just have to approach them and click the speech bubble. It’s important to note that you only gain XP once per day that you interact with that character. 

Benefits to Leveling Friendships

Outside of the glee you get as a Disney fan from becoming “friends” with these characters, there’s also exclusive content and experiences you can only get in Disney Dreamlight Valley once you start to level up your friendship. Leveling up friendships also establishes an actual connection with the character, which could come in handy if you need their help later on with a different quest!

Unlock Companion Roles

Assign your companion to various roles to level up your friendship in Disney Dreamlight Valley.
There’s plenty to do with your companions. | Image: Gameloft via HGG / Aliya Hall

One of the most important features of building a friendship with a character is the ability to assign them to a “companion role.” By using the strategies above, you should be able to increase your friendship to Level 2 rather quickly after a character moves to the Valley.

Companion roles only unlock after hitting Level 2, at which point the game will prompt you to choose a role for that character. You can choose from gardening, fishing, foraging, mining and digging. Assigning a character with a companion role gives you even more opportunities to level your friendship, as you’re “hanging out” with them every time they accompany you on an assigned task. Beyond that, though, you can get additional rewards by bringing companions with you on your chore runs!

Looking for info on companion roles? Check out our companion roles guide here.

Receive Exclusive Items

Exclusive gifts from each friendship.
Each character has unique gifts for you. | Image: Gameloft via HGG / Aliya Hall

For me, the best part of leveling up friendships is the exclusive gifts you receive. Depending on the level, sometimes you get star coins — the currency of Dreamlight Valley that you can spend in Scrooge McDuck’s store — or specialized items that relate to the character’s fandom.

For example, when you get Ursula to Level 10, you get a unique octopus-inspired gown that is only available when you maximize the friendship. This is a fun way to get fandom-specific merch that you can use to decorate your home or add to your wardrobe. 

Fastest Way to Level Up Friendship

Gardening is a great way to level up your friendship in Disney Dreamlight Valley.
Farming fruits and friendship XP. | Image: Gameloft via HGG / Aliya Hall

If you’re looking for a quick way to increase your friendship stats with a character, assign them the gardening companion role. This role gives the most significant friendship boost compared to the other tasks, and it’s the best way to maximize a character’s friendship level.

From there, make either a big garden or multiple mini-gardens throughout the Valley. This gives you more opportunities to take advantage of the increased XP that the companion roles gives you. You’ll quickly unlock more friendship levels and rewards, as well as potentially harvesting extra produce. 

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We hope you found our guide on how to level up friendship in Disney Dreamlight Valley useful. If you have any other questions or topics you want us to cover, leave a comment below! Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for the latest news, guides, and articles on everything gaming related.

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