The 7 Best Off-Meta Junglers in LoL
The current Jungle meta is a pretty fierce place. Most of the top-picked Junglers heavily prioritize ganking and early kills, leaving other Jungle Champions in a pretty weird place. Playing these...
What brings you here, traveler?
The current Jungle meta is a pretty fierce place. Most of the top-picked Junglers heavily prioritize ganking and early kills, leaving other Jungle Champions in a pretty weird place. Playing these...
Typically, the mid lane in League of Legends is home to mages and assassins. Since it’s a straight shot down the map, it’s the ideal stomping ground for Champions that favor skill shots...
Traditionally, the top lane in League of Legends is dominated mostly by bruisers who can go toe-to-toe or tanks that simply outlast their opponents. With top lane’s isolation from most of the...
Each season, there’s a new meta. Items change, Champions get nerfed/buffed, and there’s always some new gimmick. Naturally, certain Champions rise to the top. These are the go-to picks...
The League of Legends support meta has changed a lot over the years, but the Champions found in the role usually only work as supports. Sure, there are Champions like Lux and Brand that commonly see...