FFXIV Botanist Leveling Guide
Being the Warrior of Light isn’t all about taking down Empires and slaying monsters. Sometimes it involves getting your hands dirty, and what better way to do that than botany? If you’ve...
What brings you here, traveler?
Being the Warrior of Light isn’t all about taking down Empires and slaying monsters. Sometimes it involves getting your hands dirty, and what better way to do that than botany? If you’ve...
Would Final Fantasy XIV truly be an MMORPG if it didn’t have fishing? Thankfully, we don’t have to entertain that thought, as FFXIV boasts an incredibly robust fishing minigame with an...
Ready to take on a second job? Perhaps you seek the deep and lasting satisfaction of a career spent working the land, or perhaps you’re more interested in the gil that comes with it. Whether...
The Holy See of Ishgard suffered immense structural damage during the Dragonsong War, with parts of the city destroyed entirely by the Dravanian assault. If you’ve finished Heavensward,...
To many players, crafting is one of the most daunting activities that Final Fantasy XIV has to offer. The mechanics are pretty complex and can be tough to master, but the work is worth the reward....
Final Fantasy XIV’s Eorzea is a land of wealth, both natural and otherwise. But if you want some of that wealth for yourself, you’re going to have to work for it. Learn how to make the...