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The 10 Best Games Like It Takes Two

It Takes Two took the world by storm when it first released back in 2021. It was a co-op adventure game with puzzle and platforming elements. The game required two people to play. And the gameplay revolved around co-operating with the other player in order to complete objectives.

Many people consider it to be one of the best co-op games in recent years! If you’ve played the game before and are looking for another game to scratch that itch, then you’ve come to the right place. Here in this article, we are going to be ranking the top 10 Games like It Takes Two.

Top 10 Games Like It Takes Two, Ranked From Least to Most Similar

With that introduction done and over with, let’s get right into the ranking!

#10 Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Tiny Tina Wonderlands
Image: Gearbox Software, 2K via HGG

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is the most recent FPS in the Borderlands series… And the gunplay is just as good as it was in Borderlands 3. In this game, you will create a custom-made character and kill baddies to earn XP and level up your character while unlocking better gear and equipment. The game can be played co-operatively, allowing you to team up with a friend to progress through the game’s story.

While this game is a first-person shooter instead of an adventure platformer with mini-games, it’s still got that same co-opperative charm that It Takes Two has. Additionally, Tiny Tinas Wonderlands is more whimsical and fantasy-like then the other Borderlands games. While It Takes Two doesn’t have the exact same aesthetic, it is still a very whimsical game with light fantasy elements, so you might like the art-style and aesthetics of this game.

#9 Don’t Starve Together

Don’t Starve Together
Image: Klei Entertainment via HGG

Don’t Starve Together is a survival horror game made by Klei Entertainment. In the game, you and (optionally) other players will be dropped into an open world in which you must gather resources and craft important gear in order to survive and ward off the dark. It’s similar to Minecraft in the sense that it is an open ended game that doesn’t force specific objectives onto you (aside from the obvious “don’t starve”).

This means that there is a lot of room for emergent gameplay in how you interact with the game and its systems. Combine this with multiple different characters with their own unique abilities and the multiplayer element and you have a highly repayable game with lots of opportunities for co-operating with other players. If you loved working with a partner in It Takes Two, you’ll love it here as well.

#8 Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley
Image: ConcernedApe via HGG

Stardew Valley is a farming simulator game that borrows many elements from the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons series of games. This is a really well-made spiritual successor to those types of games that takes everything we loved about em and modernizes it. You’ll start the game by inheriting an old farm and quitting your day job to move out to the countryside. Here, you will begin to rebuild the old and decaying homestead you’ve inherieted.

The gameplay loop involves you clearing out land… Planting and watering crops, exploring your land and the nearby town, and meeting a variety of interesting NPCs. Like Harvest Moon, you can forge relationships with these characters and even marry some of them. This game can be played single player, but it also features optional multiplayer. Players can join your game and will act as farmhands, helping you grow your crops and tend to your animals. Like It Takes Two, its a very wholesome game.

#7 Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves
Image: Rare Ltd, Xbox Game Studios via HGG

Sea of Thieves is an open world MMO. In the game, you play as a pirate captain on the high sees searching for treasure. You’ll need to battle a variety of fantasy creatures all the while looking out for other pirate crews who are out to compete with you for resources. The game allows you to play with up to three other players.

The amount of players you have determines the size of your ship. In order to make your ship work, each player needs to have an assigned role for managing something onboard. This means that co-operating with your crew and communicating is not only rewarded, but required.

#6 Portal 2

Portal 2
Image: Valve via HGG

Portal 2 is one of the greatest games ever made. It’s an incredibly iconic game that hundreds of thousands of people still play to this day, despite it coming out over a decade ago. It is a science fiction puzzle game in which you wake up in a destroyed and abandoned scientific facility, and must use a special device called a portal gun to create two-way portals that you can use to solve puzzles and traverse through the game’s linear campaign.

There is a single-player mode, but also a cooperative mode with unique levels and a unique story that is different from the main game. You can play with one other person to solve puzzles together using your combined efforts. The cooperative mode relays heavily on communication, so it’s recommended that you play with a friend who has a microphone and preferably a Discord account.

#5 Moving Out

Moving Out
Image: SMG Studio, Devm Games, Team17 via HGG

Moving Out is the next entry on this ranking for the Top 10 Games Like It Takes Two. The game sees you and multiple other players take on jobs as moving men. You’ll have to transport furniture from one place to another with your teammates in order to complete the objectives. It’s a physics based game, so it’s not as easy as it looks! Working together is key to win in Moving Out.

In addition to the obvious co-op similarities, the art style also reminds me of It Takes Two. This game has a very childish, cartoonish aesthetic to it, though the color palette is a lot more pastel and less vibrant compared to It Takes Two. If you are looking for a family friendly game that you can play to pass the time with your kids then this is a must-buy.

#4 Overcooked

Image: Ghost Town Games Ltd, Team17 Digital Ltd via HGG

Overcooked is a party game where you and several other people take on the role of high-class chefs trying to quickly prepare meals for hungry customers. You will need to work together in a tightly inclosed space to prepare ingredients and cook them up to make the best dishes. The game is very fast and chaotic, making it a fun and memorable experience regardless of who you are playing with.

The game rewards cooperating and communicating with your teammates, making it a great icebreaker. It reminds me a lot of the game Moving Out that we discussed previously. If you are interested in this game, you can get either the first one or Overcooked 2. Both are excellent. But the first Overcooked is cheaper and offers more-or-less the same core gameplay if you are looking to save a bit of money.

#3 Unravel Two

Unravel 2 Game Roundup
Image: Coldwood Interactive, Electronic Arts via HGG

Unravel Two is the next game on our list. It’s a 2D platformer in which you play as a strange little creature made of yarn, moving through a human-sized world. The gameplay is very similar to that of the first Unravel game, however this time around you can play cooperativly with one other player! This is one of the better cooperative 2D platformers out there, and it’s a lot of fun to play with a friend.

The gameplay of platforming over objects and traveling through linear environments makes it pretty similar to It Takes Two. The game also has puzzles that you need to solve by working together. Combine this with its cutsey, whimsical art style and you have a really fun game that will surely invoke that same feelings you got when playing It Takes Two.

#2 Little Big Planet 2

Image: Media Molecule, Sony Entertainment via HGG

Ahh, Little Big Planet 2, one of my absolute favorite childhood games. This is a 2.5D platformer in which you play as a small little creature called Sackboy. The game sees you run and jump through a variety of unique, whimsical lands… Meeting strange and odd characters while overcoming a variety of obstacles. In addition to platforming, there are also lots and lots of mini-games for you to play, just like in It Takes Two.

The game can be played either in single-player or with up to 3 other people. This is a really fantastic couch co-op game that offers a lot of replay-ability. Once you are done with the main campaign, you can use the items you’ve unlocked from playing through it to create your own custom levels! This game features the same great co-op play and much of the charm and whimsical art style of It Takes Two. If you do decide to play it, just be aware that this is currently a PlayStation exclusive game.

#1 A Way Out

A Way Out
Image: Hazelight, Electronic Arts via HGG

Finally, at spot number 1 on our list, we have A Way Out! What better game to place in first place on this list then one made by the same great studio that brought us It Takes Two? A Way Out sees you and a friend playing as two convicts attempting to break out of a high-security prison. The game features a lot of the same elements that were used in It Takes Two, such as forcing you to work together in order to overcome challenges and progress through the game.

The art style and tone is pretty different from It Takes Two, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying this wonderful cooperative experience. The gameplay is also different in a lot of ways, but still revolves around problem-solving and working with your partner. If you are looking for a game with a bigger emphasis on story and more mature themes and characters then It Takes Two, then this is the perfect game for you.

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We hope that you found this ranking going over the Top 10 Games Like It Takes Two informative! What are your thoughts on our top picks? Do you agree or disagree? Be sure to let us know down in the comments. And after that, make sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter for more content.

Happy gaming!


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