All Trackmania Game Modes Ranked (2024)

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All Trackmania Game Modes Ranked (2024)

Which game mode takes the checkered flag?

In Trackmania, there are a lot of game modes to choose from. Whether you’re a free or subscribing player, there’s a great variety of solo and multiplayer activities that you can race in. In this article we’ll break down each game mode, while also ranking them in order from worst to best! Now let’s get right to it with a quick honorable mention!

➡️ Related Reading: Trackmania Beginner’s Guide + Top 5 Tips

Unranked – Play a Track

I’m not going to rank this the same way as the other modes, because it’s not really a “mode” like the rest. Play a Track is simply a place you can go to play any track from the previous campaigns, tracks of the day, and more! You can also find your favorited tracks here, so it’s definitely worth coming back to from time to time. There’s no better place to find individual tracks you like or want/need to practice.

#6 – Royal & Super Royal

Royal / Super Royal used to be my favorite game mode, but the January 2024 changes have effectively changed everything about it. Royal used to be the “fun” game mode in Trackmania, as it wasn’t nearly as competitive as the other multiplayer modes. The old Royal was more about being able to complete difficult tracks, while the new one is the same as all the other modes–it’s all about speed.

I love how time-oriented Trackmania is, but having a more casual/fun game mode was such a nice bonus. The new Royal game mode focuses solely on being able to complete tracks of increasing difficulty multiple times in a row as quickly as possible, which isn’t that appealing. Plus, since it lasts so long it’s rare to have all your teammates stay until the end unless you’re winning.

The Super Royal mode is the same as the normal one but gives more awards. What makes it so “super” is that it only happens three times per day, so you’ll have to be online at the right time. Here are the Super Royal times for Winter 2024 in both the U.S. and Europe:

  • Central Standard Time (CST): 1pm / 9pm / 5am
  • Central European Time (CET): 8pm / 4am / 12pm

These times might change in the future, but it should show in-game or on the Trackmania website if so.

#5 – Ranked

Ranked in Trackmania is sort of a mixed bag. On the one hand, it’s really fun to have a ranked competitive mode in a racing game, as not all of them have that. However, the decision to make it 3v3 is an odd one. If you have a bad teammate or someone disconnects, you just lose. Or, you sometimes get a strange advantage by being down a player it seems, as if the person who left was the worst on your team it can end up helping you out.

In ranked matches, you’ll play on a single track (one of the first 10 tracks from the currently-active campaign). Each round you just race the track for the best time possible, with all six players scoring points based on where they placed. It’s a fun way to spend some time, but I wouldn’t personally call it the best multiplayer mode.

#4 – Track of the Day

Track of the Day goes in 30-minute intervals where you play a single track against other players in your lobby. The tracks chosen for this mode are usually on the longer side, and they’re typically really fun and unique. If you want a competitive experience that isn’t quite as unforgiving as Ranked or as boring as Royal, this is your best bet.

The only downside to Track of the Day is that it does last a long time, but you can also join them in progress so you don’t have to wait the whole time. If you don’t mind running the same track over and over again, this is a near-perfect mode, though.

#3 – Club Campaigns / Library / Arcade

Maps from club campaigns or library/arcade are perfect for once you’ve finished the current campaign or if you’re tired of multiplayer. Club Campaigns are similar to the official campaign, but they’re made by the players. You can find some really unique and creative maps here, as well as gimmicky ones designed to just be fun. The library and arcade modes are effectively the same thing, but one is solo and the other is multiplayer. The multiplayer is just a “who can get the best time” thing, but it’s a lot of fun if you enjoy Track of the Day and the other multiplayer modes.

#2 – Campaign

Campaign is the main single-player experience in Trackmania. Without any doubt, this is the best way to play Trackmania for new players and anyone who prefers single player. We get four campaigns each year (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter), and each campaign has 25 tracks of increasing difficulty. Making your way through the campaign is a great way to learn the game, for everyone from beginners to veterans. The more difficult tracks can be a challenge for any player, especially if you’re going for Author Time medals.

#1 – Cup of the Day

Cup of the Day is my #1 favorite game mode in Trackmania. Just like Royal, COTD only runs three times per day at set times. Here are those times in U.S. and Europe times so you know when to be online:

  • Central Standard Time (CST): 12pm / 8pm / 4am
  • Central European Time (CET): 7pm / 3am / 11am

COTD works by giving you a single map (similar to Track of the Day) to race along with a bunch of other people. When you first get in, you’ll have 15 minutes to qualify (finish the course in the best time you can). Then you’ll get sorted into divisions based on how you qualified. From there, you’ll simply run the track a bunch of times, with the bottom scoring players getting eliminated until only one remains. It’s a great way to score a bunch of trophies–just don’t forget to log on in time.


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