Do you want a weapon tapered to a dangerous point, heavy enough to pack a wallop but dextrous enough to slip between a monster’s scales and pierce the soft flesh beneath? Are you drawn to the call of a weapon that takes damage as well as it deals it, fending off...
The Greatsword is an iconic fantasy weapon that lives up to its name in Monster Hunter. It’s certainly one of the more generic weapon types, but it fits the mood of the series so well — a hunter faces off against overwhelming odds and towering...
The Fatalis has been released, and all I can say is wow. There’s no question about it — the new weapons and armor wipe the floor with everything else. I can’t tell if I’m more impressed with the truly broken armor or disappointed by the...
Before we start on our MHW: Iceborne best Bow build guide, have you seen the trailer for Monster Hunter Rise? I’ve loved my time spent in the New World with the resolution and controls of the PS4, but I’ll admit I’m excited to play Monster Hunter on...
The Insect Glaive is a new introduction to the Monster Hunter canon. Much like the Charge Blade, it was added in Monster Hunter 4 and quickly rose in popularity due to its unique play style and impressive mobility. I was a big fan of the IG at its release, and swapped...