Apex Legends Waystone

>Games>Apex Legends

Apex Legends Canon

Release Date: 04/02/2019

Developer: Respawn Entertainment | Publisher: Electronic Arts

Genres: Action Battle Royale FPS


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Map of Apex Legends Land

Melodies & Mockeries

Behold, High Ground Gaming's resident trolls! The cheerful Gurg and the irritable Grundle — together they bring songs of praise and mutterings of discontent about Apex Legends.

The Jolly Troll
Oh, Apex Legends, in the arena so grand,
Where heroes and outcasts from all lands stand.
A ballet of bullets, a symphony of strife,
Each match a struggle, a fight for life.

Legends aplenty, each unique in their lore,
In the Outlands, their stories soar.
A dance of strategy, skill, and might,
Under the sun and moon, both day and night.

Teamwork woven with a solo's dream,
In this world, every player is supreme.
A game where cunning meets gun's roar,
In the pantheon of shooters, you're folklore.

So, to Apex Legends, I sing this song,
In the heart of battle, where legends belong.
The Angry Troll
Apex Legends? More like Apex Letdowns! You tiny folk and your fancy-schmancy 'battle royales.' Running around a map like lost goblins in a maze, shooting at shadows. Where's the honor? The glory? The characters, with as much depth as a kiddie pool, spout one-liners that make you cringe harder than dad jokes. Gunplay? If I wanted to shoot peas, I'd go to a cafeteria food fight. The map's about as diverse as a desert – you've seen one dusty, loot-scarce corner, you've seen 'em all. Sure, it's free, but so is getting a headache. I'll stick to my good ol' club and boulder tossing, thank you. At least then, when I hit something, it stays hit! No "respawning" nonsense.

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